
秋月冬雪 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

免疫係統失調: 手上動不動長那種很癢的小水皰

(2008-08-14 09:13:17) 下一個
Post I sent a while ago:

Actually, it is because your immune system is irritated and imbalance causing it to over-reactive when something like a soap-dish irritated your skin.

It is an indication that your immune system is very strong but it is irritated. It does not mean your are weak. I am lazy to excercise too. There are other ways to improve your health. Maybe try yoga? Examine your food intake and re-evaluate the alkaline / acid of your food group. Adjusting your diet also help your immune system.

I am on the calcium-ion therapy (not calcium pills), I try my best to keep my food group in a 80% alkaline 20% acidic diet.


I found oatmeal an excellent therapy food.

You can send me QQH if you would like to discuss more. Good luck.
QQH I exchanged with someone awhile ago:

我在喝 “鈣離子”水。對調理身體的酸堿質不錯。

看了書 "不生病之真法 ”決心以食療效下手。嚴格控製飲食,以燕麥和土豆為主食,戒了一切發物。大概用了半年時間,身體大有改善。
我也看一個 自然療法 的醫生,他幫我測出我不能吃 乳酪 和 奶製品。 我也吃他賣的補品調理身體。

我患 富貴手 多年,心得是如果整體健康狀況良好,病就不發。還是多運動吧。或者跳跳舞,練一點 Yoga 也好。

別偷懶哦 :)


Google 鈣離子, you will find lots of advertisement for sale.
I don't know if you were like me. My homeopathy doctor tested and told me I have baker yeast infection in my body. If I have baker yeast product, my symptom would get worse.

It is very hard to avoid those food, especially cheese because you see cheese everywhere in the US. The cooking forum people use lots of yeast, it is yummy but it is kind of poisonous for me.
I avoid things like "man tou", "baozi" because it contain yeast. I also don't drink cow's milk because this is the ingredient that can worsen my symptom.

According to what I read, the skin is the most comment place our body try to push out the toxin of our body. Since your daughter also has skin problem, you might want to consider switch her to soy milk. I know it is very hard to not let her have pizza, maybe do your best to provide alternative to pizza.

Having a allergic body is a curse and a bliss. You body tells you in the early stage that you should adjust your lifestyle but you would have to give up many tasty food if you did not exercise enough.

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