biglow (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2023-01-08 10:47:24) 下一個


今天首先應網友的要求,把我上次寫的回應學校老師種族問題的email 主旨寫在這裏。我順便把其中的目的也寫在這裏方便大家理思路。關鍵點是這種白紙黑字的東西是可以將來成為證據的,所以一定要能站得住腳,而且不能讓對方抓到把柄。如果平時實名在社交媒體上發表過什麽讓別人容易扣帽子的言論(不管什麽語種,現在翻譯軟件多得是),那麽就先審查一下自己以前的言論。我從來不在社交媒體發任何自己生活方麵的東西,其實是基本上不發言的,所以這方麵別人摸不到任何東西。



Once again thanks for bringing up the incident that our child has been engaged today.  Our family originated from China, stayed in another country for years, and moved from state to state in the past $$ years.  We have a lot of friends with different backgrounds, colors, and other characteristics.  We have zero tolerance to racial behavior under the roof.  



We had a long conversation with our child regarding the incident to get some clarification of the facts as well as how to express himself in a way that will not be misunderstood by others.  As an outcome of the conversation, we have taken actions ***** to avoid future misunderstandings.  (這個action就不公開了,屬於私人問題)


With that being said, there are a few points we would like to communicate with you.


  1. Regarding the fact.  We specially checked with our child what "Stealing" means, which judging by the email, is the most offensive word.  Our child clarified that he meant "stealing the ball".  And, he clarified the content when talking to you.  However, such clarification was not reflected in the original email.  This is a very important fact that changes the picture completely.
  2. 首先澄清事實,其實也就是說,要麽這個老師看不懂英文,要麽故意曲解我娃的意思。其實老師寫的Email已經很清楚,她就是故意曲解往種族上扣。那麽對不起,我不接受她這個曲解)。


  1. By clarifying the content, we believe the incident was that our child was talking to another student while holding the door, and the conversation were heard by two other students (who were not in the conversation) partially, and those two students reported it believing it was racial expression.  However, the truth was that our child was admiring African Americans are good at sports and skills.  This was a misheard conversation.   
  2. 先把結論下了,不服的話可以接著討論。到了這一步如果這個老師想搞事情,那就不是兩方麵的事情了。我們可以到校長室討論,也可以拿到學區討論。不過一般來說這種想討便宜的老師是不願意這麽麻煩的)。


  1. Please do not use strong word such as racist to label a child at age XX so easily.  First of all, our investigation stated above did not find our child is Racist.  Second, when bringing up this strong accusation from the email, our child cried.  To him, it is difficult to understand that being nice to people around him (holding doors for others) and admiring others is racist.  Anyway, labeling a student to be racist, is that a way to say that the school education is a failure?
  2. 先確定結論,然後賣慘,然後問學生是種族主義,那麽豈不是學校教育失敗?我前麵說過了,我們家不是這麽教的。這樣說就是暗示,如果到校長室,我可以問同樣的問題,要麽你定性為表達不妥,要麽學校把我的娃教壞了。所以提前表態是必須的。如此,這個老師的做法,是扣帽子。下麵接著說扣帽子的危害。)


  1. It is not a long-ago history that happened in China, when everyone can easily label others with something.  Some people got labeled in the morning and then executed before night.  This labeling prevailed in communist China from 1950s to 1970s and led to massive death of normal people.  Labeling is a very convenient way to bypass the judiciary system for a small group elite to gain benefits.  It is a deep pain for every Chinese lived in that period and for our generation as we were born in that period and suffered from starvation in our early years.  Moreover, the grandma of our child’s father was labeled as landlord (by mistake), which seems to be nothing today.  However, that labeling led to her death.  Nowadays, labeling is prevailing in US, may be in a different form, but in a very similar way progressing in China.  History repeats itself, and we should learn.


Once again, we appreciate you bringing up the issue.  If further communication regarding this issue is necessary, we can schedule a conference to facilitate the discussion.




順手談一下政治吧。眾院在第15輪選出了議長。這個事情我看到有些博主在這個選舉過程中不停地嗨,各種讚,各種認為麥肯錫完戲的文章就覺得實在有些入戲太深了。這個事情明擺著的,兩個月前中選結果出來我就評論過,麥康奈爾和麥肯錫一定會上位。理清楚主線就明白了:參院沒什麽新人上台,所以參院不可能有變化;眾院裏麵也沒有誰能夠整合共和黨,所以一定是麥肯錫。在人選確定的情況下,怎麽能夠用RINO來達成目標就是考量,而這個Trump其實很拿手。你看他頭四年任期,內閣成員有一個好人沒有?但是完成的成就就是跟前麵的總統不一樣。那麽這次也是這樣,參院變不了,就先拿住眾院。所以那20個唱反調的議員,都說不好是紅白臉的角色而已。Trump不過是借著這個事情來達到眾院立規矩的目的,避免破老太時期的一人獨大情景。這個立規矩也不是為了現在,而是為了24年以後。當然中間意外得牽出Flynn和Lakes摻和的事情。蓋茨提名Trump為議長的事情,我上期評過了,不過當天立刻傳出Flynn建議Trump接任議長,Lakes也同時表態。這就有意思了,這倆是又一次暴露了麽?Flynn什麽時候能那麽隨意跟Trump通話?Lakes 什麽時候能隨意跟Trump保持聯係?Trump是怎麽表態的呢?很明顯的事情,Trump這三天發了多個Truth挺麥肯錫,而這倆支持Trump當議長,明顯的不明白Trump的策略,自己把自己賣了。現在這個階段,就是要用壞人去幹髒活,還看不明白嗎?


看明白了Trump目前的策略,那麽我們對佛羅裏達的情形也就好理解了。同樣的路數,當然幹活的是DeSantis。這次幹的事情是學校。DeSantis 任命Chris Rufo為New College of Florida 的校董,要把這個學校變會古典學校。具體來說,就是放棄原來的Diversity,Equality, and Inclusion, 變成Equality,Merit,and Colorblindless。看到了嗎?沒那麽些多元化包容什麽的烏七八糟的東西,人人平等,以Merit為準,無種族差別。我之前提過兩次,文化是最高統治。我們知道這次美國文化大革命,大學是指揮棒,學校是DS的陣地,影響的是至少三代人。好吧,希望這次對DS文化陣地的衝鋒,是全國的一個號角。這個將是一個長期的鬥爭領域,第一槍被打響了。我一直在想,為啥現在的名校如何成為Monster?到了現在這個地步,這些Monster似乎占據絕對主導地位。學術也好,風氣也好,思潮也好,似乎已經完全排他了,其它任何不同意見都可以被輕易扼殺。這個文化領域的鬥爭,不知道愛國者陣營有沒有真正推演過,有方案麽?

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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
biglow 回複 悄悄話 回複 'tian_ya' 的評論 : 我已經表達清楚了,這個老師隨意label本校學生。這個算是先給她掛個號。下次就沒那麽簡單了。
tian_ya 回複 悄悄話 謝更新。
tian_ya 回複 悄悄話 stealing 就是球賽解說的術語。這老師就是故意在攪混水。無事生非就象博主所說的文革中的紅衛兵造反派。記得以前,文革後不就,聽家父朋友說起,他家有親戚從美國回國探親,那時她在美國一大學任教,父負責實驗室。裏麵的黑人技術員,偷懶不幹或少幹,她找那人談話,語言之間,那人指責她有種族歧視。她立馬回懟說,你是少數族裔,我也是少數族裔,而且是更少數的族裔,那來的種族歧視? 懟得那人無話可說。
playnice 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大樓。類比中共是畫龍點睛。
minnie808 回複 悄悄話 Thanks .
落英如雪 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大樓
苦惱人的笑 回複 悄悄話 謝大樓。學校裏給小孩子扣種族主義帽子太惡心了。大樓的反擊有理有據。
aunt4 回複 悄悄話 Thanks a lot.