E!Online有個FashionPolice節目,每當Oscar, Golden Globes這種重大場合都不忘了在第二天的節目裏對明星的服裝評頭品足。好萊塢名嘴JoanRivers 今年從TVGuide頻道重回E!Online, 這個節目就更精彩了。

Jone Rivers mocking Frankenstein
Joan Rivers說起起好萊塢明星的八卦衣著,常常一針濺血,口無遮攔,因為風趣幽默,被譽為美國最有幽默的女人之一,也因此擁有粉絲無數,好學也是其中之一, 每次不管是奧斯卡還是金球獎,都鐵定要看她的時裝點評。Joan雖然年過七旬,可精神勁兒總是倍兒足,加上數不清多少次的整容(xx講話臉上注射的膠原蛋白比Lindsey Lohan的年齡還大),看上去比她3-40歲的女兒還年輕。不過讓Joan Rivers 最出名的還是她的那張毒舌.
January Jones
今年金球獎一結束,Joan姐就開始在Fashion Police拿紅地毯的女星們開損。先出來的January Jones, 一襲紅色Versace Red Fringed Gown. 露是露了點,想 play up the boobs? 哈哈,Joan姐說了,“Wow,her name is January, he boobs is spilling into February!!”
Scarlett's Hairdo
沒多久,性感女神bombshellScarlett Joannsson 出場了,Scarlett 一身Elie Saab長裙,沒啥問題,可她的messy wavy hair? Joan姐又講話了 “This is the most beautiful girl. What’s with her hair? It’s the bride of Frankenstein!!!” 然後誇張的學著Frankenstein走路說話的樣子說“She is waiting to forsomeone to say “I love you””

接著, Nicole Kidman 跟矮他一頭的老公出場了。Nicole這次衣服沒啥可圈可點,看著這對親昵地love birds,Joan姐羨慕得說’They are such alovey-dovey couple. They really hold hands. And they still touch.” 然後話鋒一轉,“They are a team. Hehelps her learn her lines, she helps him get things off the shelf.!!!” 全場哄堂大笑。
Michelle William
Michelle Williams 這個幾年前在奧斯卡還入選最佳穿衣獎, 這次 被Joan姐評為最差穿衣獎,這倒沒委屈Michelle.這款Valentino 菊花裙穿在Michelle身上,不得不說是50歲的肩,60歲的胸和腰,的確像是一個的老太太 外加一個男孩式的發型,引得Joan姐大喊“It’s terrible!! Bad hair bad dress made from atacky bedspread. She spent the wholenight picking the pedals off saying ‘Valentino loves me, Valentino loves menot. Look in the mirror, Michelle! Valentinohates your f***ing guts!!!“。。
這次奧斯卡又有Fashion Police好看,不知Joan姐這次有啥高論。。期待ing