

關於porno 和 sex

(2005-03-10 22:58:42) 下一個
           她說:"he was so bored last night just sitting there staring at the wall, so I asked him, dear, why dont you talk to me?
           he said, i am bored. 
           i said, you know,i liked your tall,slim body, the same when i knew you years ago,but you gained some weight in this few months and got fatty.
          he said, wom. 
          i said, talk to me.
          he said, wom.
          i said, what is your dream?
          he said, have a big house and sit there staring at the wall.
          i said, i am not even in the picture of your dream, dont you love me?
          he said, no.
          i said, what the hell i am still loving you, en? we are over. i am not having sex with anymore."
          hayley,jenette和hilary是無話不談的好朋友,天南海北,什麽都講,我天資愚笨,英文又不是母語,隻有聽的分,好在她們聲色並茂,龍飛色舞,我跟看戲一樣享受。不料她們不知如何開始談及mike的尺寸,毫不顧及鄰座人的食欲,還用麵前sushi的直徑大小演示,我說,“hey, that is our food。”她們笑道,“嘻嘻”開始有了下麵的對話。
          hilary: when was last time you watch a movie?
          jenette: i do not know, have not seen a movie for so long. only saw a porno with Franchesca(另一個我們大家都認識的猶太女孩子) last week.
          hayley: i only grab my brother's porno movies and have never rented one. jenette: isnt that strange? that was my first time in my life i walked in a video store to rent porno---with a girl.
          i said: oh, i do not know your girls have that taste.
          hilary擠擠眼: we love pornos. some of those scenes are hot and we like hot stuff. (wink)
          jenette: but the one we had was just gross. the girl grabbed the huge thing, put it into her mouth,tasted it and "wo~wo~ wo", we(she and Franchesca)said, damn, i am not going to have sex today, not even this week, woen(shaking her chin and shrugging shoulder with grin). 
          i said: those are hard-core porno for men, why do not try Candida Royalle's "three daughters". that is a good one. she was a porno star and became a female porno director. it is about intimate, caring, and emotions not just sex.
          jenette: oh, that sounds good.
          hilary: i am on XXXXXX the 37th episode(好象是歐洲的一套巡回porno). the doggie style they did is just gorgeous.
          jenette: a lot of guys like the position coz it makes them feel....wom.....controling. for my part, i am alright with it.
          i said: ha, you know, i sometimes think doggie style makes women uncomfortable. i even had the concern that she might be offended.
          hilary: do not worry about it, we love it.
          i said: good to know.
          i: we were talking so loud and have you noticed the two old ladies next to us are like, oha,with big eye balls and standing -up ears.
         hayley: i do not care.i am who i am and just do what i like. i do like sex and i do fuck.
         i: hayley, watch your language, you are easy to be irritated recently, they were not judging us and did not even say a word.but i know what you mean, why men see women, right?
         hayley: men see women is not just for sex though. like santiyago and i, we were best friends. he makes me feel special, loved. we laugh together, spend time together, dance together, we do everything together. sex? of course. it is just a natural thing, happens.
         i: wow, yes, teacher!
         hayley: hehehehe.
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