今天早晨, 急急忙忙的要上學了, CC卻去房間裏找啊找, 原來, 是去拿昨天新寄來的 "Magic Tree House" 然後放到書包裏.
Teacher Babara, 一早晨看到我就說: " DD Thanked me for moving her to Teacher Delina's class yesterday." Another teacher came to tell me: " she was so excited! She was very proud! she was so happy that she was moved up to that class!"
She is now officially a Pre-K student! 她還有兩年才上Kindergarton. 她之前的老師說原來那個班裏, 30-40分鍾的事情, DD 10 分鍾就做好了, 然後就有在那裏等著, 有些無聊, 所以老師決定讓她升班了.
看到她自豪的樣子, 真替她高興!