
阿甘媽媽說, 生活就如一盒巧克力.打開了, 才知道裏麵是什麽


(2008-01-18 15:48:32) 下一個

Jan 18, 2008 -

上學路上在車裏的收音機裏聽到 san francisco symphony 的廣告。

DD: " 媽媽,這是什莫?“
DD: " 什莫是symphony?"
Me: " 就是,EMM... 一種concert" (不太對呀。oh, well...)
DD: " 什莫是concert?"
Me: " concert, 就是音樂會。 很多musician 一齊表演"
DD: " 什莫是musician?"
Me: " 就是play musical instruments 的人“(意識到不全麵, 忘了作曲家了... )
DD: " 就像姐姐和我一樣?" (看出漏洞百出的答案帶來的結果了。 趕緊補充說明)
Me: " 不完全是, 因為他們是專門做這個的。 他們上班的工作就是play musical instruments 或者寫music"
DD: " 就像爸爸一樣上班?"
Me: " 爸爸也上班, 但是爸爸不是musician.   爸爸是Engineer.
DD: " 什莫是engineer?"
Me: " 就是,就是。。。 (我還真沒想過!)EMM... 就是做technology (不清楚,再來)做產品, (還不清楚, 繼續努力), 就是做computer 的 (天呀,我都說了些什莫呀。。)
DD: " How about mommy?"
Me: " Mommy 是Architect. ( 終於碰到我知道的, 抓緊機會, 發揮以下)你知不知道什莫是Architect? 就是設計建築的。-建築就是building“
DD: " Oh. Okay.  But what is engineer?"
Me: " Engineer, 就是, 就是, (怎莫辦? 她還沒忘呢)Hey, DD, 你看, 到學校了!"
DD: " Yeah! 到了! 可是, 什莫是上學?我上什莫學? 姐姐上什莫學?"
Me: ....

回家第一件事情,就是上網查字。 根據 about.com,

Question: What is a symphony?

Answer: In its simplest form, a symphony is an extended work for orchestra.

Question: What is an Orchestra?

Answer: The word "orchestra" was used to describe the place where musicians and dancers performed in ancient Greece. The orchestra or symphony orchestra is generally defined as an ensemble mainly composing of bowed stringed instruments, percussion, wind and brass instruments. Often the orchestra is composed of 100 musicians and may be accompanied by a chorus or be purely instrumental.

Question: What is an Engineer?

Engineers research and develop solutions to technical problems by applying the theories and principles of science and mathematics.

問題是, 我覺得要講清楚, 仍然難度很大。 對symphony, 也許最直接的辦法就是帶她去看一次。 可是Engineer 呢?老公回家後, 便想問問這個專業人士吧。


老公:“哦, 就是開火車的”


[ 打印 ]