

情商是可以後天培養,學習和獲得的 (ZT)

(2007-11-02 06:49:20) 下一個
成功的人智商不一定超常, 但他/她們的情商普遍高於常人. 人一生的IQ基本上是常數. 而情商是可以後天培養,學習和獲得的. 以下是情商的定義:

What is emotional intelligence?

Mayer defines emotional intelligence (EQ) as "a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and other's emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one's thinking and actions."

Goleman divides EQ into 5 domains:
Self-awareness The ability to know your weaknesses and aren't afraid to talk about them
Self-regulation The ability to control their impulses or even channel them for good purposes
Motivation The passion for achievement for its own sake is the kind of motivation that is essential for leadership
Empathy The ability to relate to others and taking into account the feelings of others when making decisions
Social Skills The ability to build rapport with others, to get them to cooperate, to move them in a direction you desire
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