
random thoughts by 偶燈斯陋
偶燈斯陋 (熱門博主)
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(2014-04-04 13:55:06) 下一個

You can't say "you can't play with us" (Don't be a bully)


阿蔓達. 哈裏斯特 (俄克拉何馬大學兒童展教授):


(Amanda Harrist, Child Development, Oklahoma State University

"If you’re not happy at school, if you don’t have friends, if people mistreat you, research shows that you come to not like school. It’s not a place you want to be and so, learning is impacted.")

基普林.威廉斯 (普渡大學, 社會心理學家): 有些人談論起社會排斥和社會孤立時就象在肚腸的部位遭到重拳一擊,或者他們感到頭痛欲裂,透不過氣,身體切實感受到一種割裂之痛,之失落。

(Kipling Williams, Social Psychologist, Purdue University
“Some people talk about rejection and social exclusion as like a punch in the gut or they get a headache or they’re short of breath and they actually feel, physically feel, the loss of a connection.")

娜奧米.愛森伯格(加州大學洛杉磯分校, 社會神經學家):我認為,即使我們知道遭遇社會排斥的經曆非常痛苦,但那種體驗多半是難以言說的,是隱蔽的。我真的不認為,當人們遭受排斥時感受的痛苦在大腦上能看得出來。

(Naomi Eisenberger, Social Neuroscientist, UCLA
“I think even though we know that experiences like social rejection can be painful, I kind of thought that the experiential state was more metaphorical. I didn’t really think that the brain would look like it’s in physical pain when people are being left out.”)
杭特. 何斯特 (國家少年刑法中心 起人): 今天如果你同多民眾到校園欺淩事件,他,哦,那不過是人生成的一部分,那不是在人性的海洋裏學遊泳了。那就是生活。你得學會付。確如此。但是如果看到的是極端的排斥形式,並且遇到的是非常弱的人的候,果就很可能是災

Hunter Hurst, Founder, National Center for Juvenile Justice
“If you talk to a lot of the public today about bullying, they will say well, that’s part of growing up. That is learning to swim in the sea of humanity. That’s real. That’s life. You must be able to cope with that. And that too is true but you get extreme forms of rejection and when they meet vulnerable people you have disastrous results. “
微微. 安佩利(教育者,你不可以你不可以和我”一書的作者):


(Vivian Paley, Educator and Author of You Can’t Say You Can’t Play
"Rejection is being made into an outcast in the classroom—by one child or many children, by a teacher, by other parents. It's being made into an outsider.")

認為談論的是與一個找食物,水,和住所的那個生物有著深刻差異的。人, 個生物,主要搜的是社會係(割斷係是一個極大的打)。

(Matthew Lieberman, Social Neuroscientist, UCLA
“I think that it’s a profoundly different creature we’re talking about when we think of a creature that primarily is searching for food, water and shelter compared to a creature that’s primarily searching for social connection.”)
赫伯特. E. 托斯博士(退休駐獄心理醫生,西看守所監獄)


(Dr. Herbert E. Thomas, former resident Psychiatrist, Western Penitentiary Prison
“When a person has pain from experiencing rejection, they get a great deal of tension and that can be released, but the pain is not released. The tension related to the pain is often released in violence.”)

詹姆斯. 嘎巴林諾 (作者,洛拉大學深教研究 ):


(James Garbarino, Author and Senior Faculty Fellow, Loyola University
“All of these kids, particularly evident to me looking back on them are these social forms of rejection—exclusion because of ethnicity, and social class, and geographic group that you come from." ) 



 (Bill and Jan Mohat, Parents of Eric Mohat, Victim of Bullycide

“Bullying takes many forms, from teasing to assult and everything in between. But the purpose of it is to isolate somebody and push them out of the group so that somebody else can be advanced in social status. But it is rejection and isolation. That is the foundation of it, no matter how it takes shape. “)


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