

25 Cents Story - Summer

(2007-06-20 11:13:43) 下一個

With the toilet cleaning job in routine, Daughter seems what to do more so as to move towards her goal faster. So, one day in a hot summer day, she asks, "Dad, what can I do to make more money?"

"Well, you can try to sell lemonade at the corner of the street to see if you can make some. " Dad suggests.

"How much do I sell for each cup?" Daughter likes the idea and wants to dig further.

"25 cents." Dad answers.

"Good." Daughter agrees the price tag.

Dad follows, "I will make two jars of lemonade for you first. If you can sell them all, I will make more for you."

"OK. I will do it. Thanks, Dad." Daughter is very happy with the plan and her Dad's offer of help.

On Saturday morning, the family get up early. Dad makes two jar of lemonade as promised. Daughter recruits a friend to help her out. Daughter and her friend plan to carry the paper cups and other miscellaneous items to the corner, while Dad and Mom bring the table and chairs. When they walk out of the door, they suddenly realize that the other pair of two little sellers of drinks are about to set up theirs at one intersection within the neighborhood.

"Dad, how can I sell if they are doing the same?" Daughter ponders.

"Sweetie, watch the traffic. The more people pass, the more sale potentials might be. Tell me where you think has more traffic?" Dad asks.

"The intersection outside the community entrance?" Daughter guesses.

"OK. If you think that is, then let's try it. " Dad confirms.

Instead, they put everything in the car and Dad drives Daughter and her partner out of the community. Now, Sun rises up, but they could not afford wasting any more time to apply Sun block lotions. They take the shortest time to setup the table, chairs, and the first isle of lemonade cups for sale.

Dad tells Daughter, "Come back to tell me if you need me to make more or to pick you up.", before heading for home.

About two hours later, almost half tanned Daughter rushes to home, "Dad, could you make more for us? We sold them all..."

Within minutes, Dad delivers another 2 jars of lemonade to the site.

With a small lunch break, Daughter and her girl friend continue their venture. In the afternoon, the other two little competitors above give up their tent after 2 hours in the scorching sun. They wander around and come to Daughter's spot. With money in hand, they buy four cups of lemonade as reward to themselves.

After over 4 hours of hard work, the two little girls finish selling more than 6 jars that day before Dad pick them back.

Excitedly, Daughter shows her earning to Dad, over about 20 dollars. "Dad, we did not sell much more in the first round because both of us were thirsty and drank a lot."

"That is OK. Before you split the shares with your friend, you need to pay me for the cost of cups and lemonade your Mom and I make for you." Dad replies.

"Dad, could you pay it for us?" Daughter pleads, "because I did not realize it when I sell it at 25 cents each cup."

"You do not have to pay me in full this time, but the cost exists there, whether you see it or not. " Dad explains, "In a rough estimate, I will just charge you 4 dollars for material and gas, but later, you have to pay me more, say 5 cents per cup sold."

"Alright, I will remember. Here is the 4 dollars. " Daughter seems accept the logic behind the profit and cost.

"Additionally, you have to pay me some tips for delivery, don't you?" Dad moves further.

"OK. How much do you want?" Daughter hands over some changes in her pocket to Dad, roughly couple of cents, "Is this enough?"

"OK. Thank you, Sweetie. It is enough. " Dad is happy for his tips.

Daughter settles the negotiation with Dad and happily splits the rest profit with her friend. With kiss of goodbye to her friend, she rushes to her room and puts her shares in her pink piggy jar with a grin on her tanned face.

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