
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

Lesson 12 -- Bob\'s Big Cookie Order

(2009-08-17 21:30:59) 下一個

Lesson 12 -- Bob's Big Cookie Order

Speak English Like an American -- Lesson 12

The family is gathered around the dinner table. Bob tells them about his deal with the Village Market. He asks his kids for help baking the cookies.

Bob:     I know I've been down in the dumps since I got fired. But things are
             looking up now. The Village Market wants to sell our cookies.
Nicole: That's great news, Dad!
Bob:     But we are going to have to bake like crazy over the weekend. They want 2000 cookies by Monday.
Nicole: Two thousand cookies in three days? Don't think you've bitten off more than you can chew?
Ted:     Yeah, you are going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Susan:  Fortunately, there are four of us here. You kids will have to pitch in too.
Nicole: Sorry, but I can't. I have to finish Ted's Chemistry homework and then
            I've got to get going on my election speech.
Bob:    What's that about doing Ted's Chemistry homework?
Ted:     Never mind. Amber will help out with the cookies instead of Nicole.
Susan:  For heaven's sake, Nocole. It's like pulling teath getting you to do any work around here.



(to)bite off more than one can chew – to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much

For heaven’s sake! – A way of expressing emotions such as surprise; outrage, or impatience

(to) get going – to get started on something; to set off for a destination ; to leave

(to) help out – to give assistance ; to help

Like a chicken with its head cut off – in a hysterical maner; in a frenzy; in a very nervous way

Like crazy – with great speed or enthusiasm

Like pulling teeth – very difficult

Never mind – don’t worry about something; forget it; it doesn’t matter

(to) pitch in – to help

(to) run around – to move about quickly

Things are looking up – things are improving

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