流行美語:snap ; spaced out
(2009-04-29 20:16:34)
今天Larry和Li Hua一起打保齡球,Li Hua會學到兩個常用語:snap和spaced out.
(SFX of bowling alley)
LL: Hey, Li Hua, you look nervous. Have you ever bowled before?
LH: No, 我從來沒打過保齡球,所以當然緊張啦!
LL: Don't worry, Li Hua, bowling is a snap. You'll figure it out in no time.
LH: 你說bowling是什麽 - a snap? To snap不是對別人嚷嚷、說話態度很凶的意思嗎?
LL: That's right. "To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.
LH: 噢,我懂了,snap用作動詞的時候,意思就是對人很凶,不過你剛才說的snap是用做名詞,要是我們說something is a snap, 意思就是很容易就能學會的事,哎,那不就是我們中文裏所說的"小菜一碟"嗎?
LL: Yes. So, now you'll understand what I meant by saying "bowling is a snap!"
LH: 你說"保齡球容易學"?可是,我怎麽覺得挺難的呢?
LL: Well, if you think bowling is hard, then what do you think is a snap?
LH: 讓我想想 -- 騎自行車挺容易的。我一個下午就學會了。
LL: So you think riding a bike is a snap -- I agree, once you learn how to ride a bike, it's a snap. Hey, Li Hua, you know what else is a snap?
LH: No, what else?
LL: Beating you at bowling is a snap. Look, I'm 50 points ahead of you.
LH: 這太不公平了!我以前從來就沒有打過保齡球,你可能已經打過幾百次了!我能打到那麽多的pins就算不錯了。
LL: You're right, Li Hua. It's not fair. Here, I'll teach you. Then you'll see what a snap it is.
(Sound of ball being thrown)
LL: Li Hua, did you enjoy bowling?
LH: Yes, 保齡球挺好玩的,可是也挺累人的。
LL: Yeah, I agree. I feel kind of spaced out.
LH: 你說你覺得怎麽樣了 - spaced out? Larry, 你是身體不舒服嗎?
LL: No, no. Feeling spaced out means feeling kind of detached and unfocused. I sometimes feel spaced out when I'm tired.
LH: 噢,我懂了,feeling spaced out意思就是"覺得昏昏沉沉的,注意力難以集中"。就是啊,一個人太累的時候是會感到昏昏沉沉,周圍發生什麽事都不知道。
LL: Yeah, but sometimes it might be for no reason. For instance, I might feel spaced out at class - I would be thinking about baseball, instead of listening to the teacher.
LH: 你上課的時候還會想起棒球賽呀!哎呀,那你走神兒也走得太厲害了吧!
LL: All right, Li Hua. Now don't tell me you've never felt spaced out yourself.
LH: 我當然也有迷糊的時候啦,比如上星期,我心不在焉地去上課,結果走錯了教室。
LL: Last week, I was really stressed over the exams. I was so spaced out that I forgot my father's birthday. I felt terrible.
LH: 什麽,因為要考試,你緊張得連你爸爸的生日也忘記啦?那你爸爸肯定很生氣羅?
LL: No, he knows me very well - bowling is a snap for me; but exams always make me very nervous.
今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語。snap用作名詞,意思是"輕而易舉的事"。Spaced out就是"昏昏沉沉、注意力不集中"。