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The Annapolis Group






The Annapolis Group

Member List (Alphabetically Listed)

Agnes Scott College
President Elizabeth Kiss
Decatur, GA30030-3797 Albion College
President Peter T. Mitchell
Albion, MI49224-1899 Albright College
President Lex O. McMillan III
Reading, PA19612-5234

Allegheny College
President Richard J. Cook
Meadville, PA16335-3902 Alma College
President Saundra J. Tracy
Alma, MI48801-1599 Amherst College
President Anthony W. Marx
Amherst, MA01002-5000

Augustana College
President Steven C. Bahls
Rock Island, IL61201-2296 Austin College
President Oscar Page
Sherman, TX75090-4400 Bard College
President Leon Botstein
Annandale-On-Hudson, NY12504-5000

Barnard College
President Judith R. Shapiro
New York, NY10027-6598 Bates College
President Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Lewiston, ME04240-6047 Bennington College
President Elizabeth Coleman
Bennington, VT05201-9993

Berea College
President Larry D. Shinn
Berea, KY40404-0003 Birmingham-Southern College
President G. David Pollick
Birmingham, AL35254-0001 Bowdoin College
President Barry Mills
Brunswick, ME04011-8441

Bryn Mawr College
President Nancy Vickers
Bryn Mawr, PA19010-2899 Bucknell University
President Brian Mitchell
Lewisburg, PA17837 Carleton College
President Robert A. Oden, Jr.
Northfield, MN55057-4044

Centre College
President John A. Roush
Danville, KY40422-1394 Chatham College
President Esther L. Barazzone
Pittsburgh, PA15232-2826 Claremont McKenna College
President Pamela Brooks Gann
Claremont, CA91711-6400

Coe College
President James R. Phifer
Cedar Rapids, IA52402-5092 Colby College
President William D. Adams
Waterville, ME04901-8846 Colgate University
President Rebecca S. Chopp
Hamilton, NY13346

College of the Holy Cross
President Michael C. McFarland, S.J.
Worcester, MA01610-2395 College of St. Benedict
President MaryAnn Baenninger
St. Joseph, MN56374-2099 College of Wooster
President R. Stanton Hales, Jr.
Wooster, OH44691-2363

Colorado College
President Richard F. Celeste
Colorado Springs, CO80903-3294 Connecticut College
President Lee Higdon
New London, CT06320-4125 Cornell College
President Leslie H. Garner Jr.
Mount Vernon, IA52314-1098

Davidson College
President Robert F. Vagt
Davidson, NC28035-7145 Denison University
President Dale T. Knobel
Granville, OH43023-1359 DePauw University
President Robert G. Bottoms
Greencastle, IN46135-1772

Dickinson College
President William G. Durden
Carlisle, PA17013-2896 Drew University
President Robert Weisbuch
Madison, NJ07940-1493 Earlham College
President Douglas Bennett
Richmond, IN47374-4095

Eckerd College
President Donald R. Eastman
St. Petersburg, FL33733-4700 Franklin & Marshall College
President John A. Fry
Lancaster, PA17604-3003 Furman University
President David E. Shi
Greenville, SC29613-2001

Gettysburg College
President Katherine Haley Will
Gettysburg, PA17325-1486 Gordon College
President R. Judson Carlberg
Wenham, MA01984-1899 Goucher College
President Sanford J. Ungar
Baltimore, MD21204-2794

Grinnell College
President Russell K. Osgood
Grinnell, IA50112-0810 Gustavus Adolphus College
President James L. Peterson
St. Peter, MN56082-1498 Hamilton College
President Joan Hinde Stewart
Clinton, NY13323-1218

Hampden-Sydney College
President Walter M. Bortz
Hampden-Sydney, VA23943-0667 Hampshire College
President Ralph J. Hexter
Amherst, MA01002-3359 Harvey Mudd College
President Maria Klawe
Claremont, CA91711-5994

Haverford College
President Thomas R. Tritton
Haverford, PA19041-1392 Hendrix College
President J. Timothy Cloyd
Conway, AR72032-3080 Hiram College
President Thomas V. Chema
Hiram, OH44234-0067

Hobart and William Smith Colleges
President Mark D. Gearan
Geneva, NY14456-3397 Hollins University
President Nancy O. Gray
Roanoke, VA24020-1688 Hope College
President James E. Bultman
Holland, MI49422-9000

Illinois Wesleyan University
President Richard F. Wilson
Bloomington, IL61702-2900 Juniata College
President Thomas R. Kepple, Jr.
Huntington, PA16652-2119 Kalamazoo College
President Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran
Kalamazoo, MI49007-3295

Kenyon College
President S. Georgia Nugent
Gambier, OH43022-9623 Knox College
President Roger Taylor
Galesburg, IL61401-4999 Lafayette College
President Daniel H. Weiss
Easton, PA18042-1798

Lake Forest College
President Stephen D. Schutt
Lake Forest, IL60045-2399 Lawrence University
President Jill Beck
Appleton, WI54912-0599 Lewis & Clark College
President Thomas J. Hochstettler
Portland, OR97219-7899

Luther College
President Richard L. Torgerson
Decorah, IA52101-1045 Macalester College
President Brian C. Rosenberg
St. Paul, MN55105-1899 Manhattan College
President Thomas J. Scanlan, F.S.C.
Riverdale, NY10471-4098

McDaniel College
President Joan Develin Coley
Westminster, MD21157-4390 Middlebury College
President Ronald D. Liebowitz
Middlebury, VT05753-6200 Millsaps College
President Frances Lucas
Jackson, MS39210-0001

Monmouth College
President Mauri Ditzler
Monmouth, IL61462-1963 Moravian College
President Christopher Thomforde
Bethlehem, PA18018-6650 Morehouse College
President Walter E. Massey
Atlanta, GA30314-3773

Mount Holyoke College
President Joanne V. Creighton
South Hadley, MA01075-1424 Muhlenberg College
President P. Randy Helm
Allentown, PA18104-5586 Nebraska Wesleyan University
President Jeanie Watson
Lincoln, NE68504-2796

Oberlin College
President Nancy Schrom Dye
Oberlin, OH44074-1092 Occidental College
President Susan Westerberg Prager
Los Angeles, CA90041-3314 Oglethorpe University
President Lawrence Schall
Atlanta, GA30319-2797

Ohio Wesleyan University
President Mark W. Huddleston
Delaware, OH43015-2398 Pitzer College
President Laura Skandera Trombley
Claremont, CA91711 Pomona College
President David W. Oxtoby
Claremont, CA91711-6301

Presbyterian College
President John V. Griffith
Clinton, SC29325 Randolph-Macon College
President Robert R. Lindgren
Ashland, VA23005-5005 Randolph College
President Virginia Hill Worden
Lynchburg, VA24503

Reed College
President Colin Diver
Portland, OR97202-8199 Rhodes College
President William E. Troutt
Memphis, TN38112-1690 Ripon College
President David C. Joyce
Ripon, WI54971-0248

Rollins College
President Lewis M. Duncan
Winter Park, FL32789-4499 St. John\'s College
President Christopher B. Nelson
Annapolis, MD21404-2800 St. John\'s College, Santa Fe
President Michael A. Peters
Santa Fe, NM87505-4599

St. John\'s University
President Dietrich Reinhart, OSB
Collegeville, MN56321-9999 St. Lawrence University
President Daniel F. Sullivan
Canton, NY13617-1455 St. Olaf College
President David R. Anderson \'74
Northfield, MN55057-1098

Salem College
President Susan Pauly
Winston-Salem, NC27108-0548 Sarah Lawrence College
President Michele Tolela Myers
Bronxville, NY10708-5999 Scripps College
President Nancy Y. Bekavac
Claremont, CA91711-3948

Skidmore College
President Philip A. Glotzbach
Saratoga Springs, NY12866-1632 Southwestern University
President Jake B. Schrum
Georgetown, TX78627-0770 Spelman College
President Beverly Daniel Tatum
Atlanta, GA30314-4399

Swarthmore College
President Alfred H. Bloom
Swarthmore, PA19081-1390 Sweet Briar College
President Elisabeth S. Muhlenfeld
Sweet Briar, VA24595-9999 Transylvania University
President Charles L. Shearer
Lexington, KY40508

Trinity College
President James F. Jones Jr.
Hartford, CT06106-3100 Trinity University
President John R. Brazil
San Antonio, TX78212-7200 Union College
President Stephen C. Ainlay
Schenectady, NY12308-3107

University of Puget Sound
President Ronald R. Thomas
Tacoma, WA98416-0094 University of the South
President Joel L. Cunningham
Sewanee, TN37375-1000 Ursinus College
President John Strassburger
Collegeville, PA19426-1000

Vassar College
President Catharine Bond Hill
Poughkeepsie, NY12604 Wabash College
President Dr. Patrick E. White
Crawfordsville, IN47933-0352 Washington College
President L. Baird Tipson
Chestertown, MD21620-1197

Washington and Jefferson College
President Tori Haring-Smith
Washington, PA15301-4801 Washington and Lee University
President Kenneth P. Ruscio
Lexington, VA24450 Wellesley College
President Diana Chapman Walsh
Wellesley, MA02481

Wesleyan College
President Ruth Knox
Macon, GA31210-4462 Wesleyan University
President Douglas J. Bennet
Middletown, CT06459-0001 Westmont College
Acting President David K. Winter
Santa Barbara, CA93108-1089

Wheaton College
President Ronald A. Crutcher
Norton, MA02766-2322 Whitman College
President George S. Bridges
Walla Walla, WA99362-2083 Whittier College
President Sharon D. Herzberger
Whittier, CA90608-4413

Willamette University
President M. Lee Pelton
Salem, OR97301-3930 William Jewell College
President David L. Sallee
Liberty, MO64068-1896 Williams College
President Morton O. Schapiro
Williamstown, MA01267

Wittenberg University
President Mark H. Erickson
Springfield, OH45501-0720

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