木須肉 (Muxu Pork)
1/3 cup dry Mu-Er 木耳(prepared)
4 eggs Fried egg 煎雞蛋
1/2 lb scliced Pork/chicken
1/4 tsp Chinese pepper 花椒粉/花椒麵
2 tbsp Oliver oil
2 green onions(sliced)
2 tbsp soy source
1/2 tsp salt
1. heat up 2 tbsp Oliver oil in a frying pan
2. put Chinese pepper, chopped green onions, sliced meat into the pan in order
3. stir and mix till the meat changed the color
4. put the Fried egg 煎雞蛋 and stir for a minute
5. put 1/2 tsp salt in and mix
6. Turn off the heat and serve.
1. adjust the amount of salt as your preference.