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黃海大海戰 英文版

The day after P’yongyang, the second major battle of the war took place. The Japanese fleet had been trying to engage a very reluctant Chinese fleet that had been ordered not to cross the Yalu-Weihaiwei line. So the Japanese crossed it for them, finding the Chinese fleet at anchor at the mouth of the Yalu River. Viceroy Li had decreed a defensive strategy. The Beiyang Squadron had been convoying troop transports to Korea and was on the return voyage to Port Arthur when the Japanese fleet caught up with them in the vicinity of Haiyang (海洋島) and Zhangzi (獐子島) Islands. The islands are located off the coast of Liaodong Peninsula, midway between the mouth of the Yalu River and Port Arthur. There on September 17, one of the two great naval battles of the war erupted. It has become known variously as the Battle of the Yellow Sea (黃海海戰), of Haiyang Island (海洋島海戰), of Dadonggou (大東溝), of Taigozanoki (大孤山衝海戰), or of the Yalu (鴨綠江), the term used in this work. The differing names have to do with the variety of geographic landmarks in the vicinity of the engagement.
 Although there is no agreement even among contemporary sources about the exact number of ships engaged, there is agreement that two fleets seem to have been fairly evenly matched. The Chinese had an advantage in armor and heavy guns, whereas the Japanese and an advantage in speed and quick-firing guns. In addition, most of the Chinese fleet had been built before 1887, while most Japanese ships had been built since 1890. About ten significant ships from each side took part in the battle: The Chinese employed two armored turreted battleships (each with about one-third more displacement than the Largest Japanese vessel), three coastal defense ships, and five or six cruisers, while the Japanese deployed three coastal defense ships, five or six cruisers, and a gunboat. The Chinese fleet tried to form a line abreast with the weakest boats on the ends. Because of mixed signals and different speeds, the formation soon degenerated into an asymmetrical wedge shape. The Japanese fleet assumed a column formation with the flying squadron out front. The flying squadron had instructions of attack the right flank of the Chinese to annihilate the weak boats on the end of the formation. Upon seeing this, Admiral Ding Ruchang (丁汝昌) ordered his ships to change course in such a way what would have exposed his ship, the flagship, but put the rest of the squadron in a good position to fire on the Japanese fleet. Ding’s subordinate on the flagship ignored the order allegedly out of cowardice. In a nineteenth-century example of fragging, before the Japanese fleet was in range, the subordinate fired the main guns, thereby demolishing the temporary flying bridge on which Admiral Ding was standing. This was a well known consequence to be expected from firing straight ahead. Ding’s leg was crushed so that he could not stand, let alone walk during the hostilities. This made it impossible for him to repeat his order in time. The wounds would also make it difficult for him to follow the battle.
 According to Vice-Admiral G.A. Ballard of the British navy, China’s battle formation was flawed from the beginning since a line abreast strategy required that the strongest, not the weakest, boats be on the wings in order to prevent the weakest boats from being picked off in detail. The Chinese then had failed to change course to prevent the Japanese from going around their wing with each vessel delivering a full broadside at close range on the wing ships. This destroyed China’s right wing while two boats on the left wing took the opportunity to flee from the battle altogether. The Japanese managed to obliterate the flagship’s foremast, which ended communications among the Chinese fleet – the vital signals could not be hung from the missing foremast. This gave the Japanese an enormous advantage since they maneuvered and fought by signal throughout the battle. The fighting was brutal, particularly since the wooden decks of the ships caught fire too easily. According to the Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, “the severest damage to both fleets was done by fire.”
 According to the Yantai correspondent of the Shanghai-based newspaper, The China Gazette, “There is no doubt the Chinese fought bravely, but they were no match for the Japanese whose tactics were admirable throughout the fight…The unfortunate Chinese gunners lost their heads and fired wildly, their officers left their ships at the mercy of the enemy by their clumsy seamanship while, on the other hand, almost every shot of the Japanese told.” According to a reporter for The Japan Weekly Mail, “The Japanese men-of-war preserved their battle array intact from first to last, but Chinese were soon compelled to fight without any tactical order.” The New York Time ran the headlines, “China’s Waterloo in Corea” and “Japan’s Great Naval Victory.”
 In addition to defective tactics, the Chinese also had defective ordnance. The Japanese discovered, to their relief, that some of the Chinese shells were filled with cement instead of explosives. Other reports described some of the ammunition as being filled with porcelain and other as being of the wrong caliber, making it impossible to fire. These observations were made after the heat of battle. At the time, the Japanese grossly underestimated the degree of Chinese incompetence. Admiral Ito YuKo (伊東佑亨) did not pursue the fleeing Chinese because he knew that his fleet lacked weapons capable of sinking their two large armored battleships. Unbeknownst to him, the Chinese fleet was nearly out of ammunition and could not have fired many additional rounds from the big guns of the two large battles. According to Sir Robert Hart, inspector general of Chinese Maritime Customs, on the eve of the battle the Chinese had no shells for their Krupp artillery and no powder for their Armstrong guns – there were some of the main offensive weapons of their fleet. Although the Japanese were subsequently criticized for not pursuing the remnants of the Beiyang Squadron, their decision was based on the knowledge that they had nothing in their navy to match China’s two strongest battleships. A European diplomat observed that Japan’s naval “victories were due to the skill and daring of her sailors, and not to the ships which they manned.” The victory shattered the morale of the Chinese naval forces.
 The Chinese defeat at P’yongyang followed a day later by its naval defeat at the Yalu dazzled the foreign press. Previously the continental European press had not provided much coverage of the war. With there Japanese victories, the war received front-page coverage in Le Temps. No one had suspected such a rapid turn of events. S.-Peterburgskie vedomsti credited Japan with “a brilliant victory.” The London Times wrote that the Japanese displayed “a rare aptitude for the assimilation of the best that has been thought and done by the civilized world, and, what is equally rare, the power of putting into practice the ideas thus assimilated.” Within the month, the Japanese would expel the Chinese from Korea (October 9, 1894) and start taking the strategic land and naval approaches to Peking. In early October, a reporter for the Moscow newspaper, Russkie vedomsti, observed: “The war which has flared up between China and Japan, indisputably is important not only for the Asiatic East, but also for Europe, and in particular for Russia, whose Asiatic possessions border on Korea and China and are located not far from the possessions of Japan.” After the Battle of the Yalu, it was recognized that Japan controlled the sea. Thereafter Moskovskie vedomosti treated an ultimate Japanese victory as a foregone conclusion; ”Our readers who were familiar with the condition of the Chinese and Japanese military forces before the war, undoubtedly are not surprised by the victories of the son of ‘the Empire of the Rising Sun,’ and should have expected them…there is no doubt that a new strong military power has appeared in the East.” China’s miserable performance had shattered the pre-war illusion of its military power.
 Meanwhile, the official battle report received by the Chinese government claimed that the Chinese fleet had defeated “a numerically superior fleet of the Wojen [dwarfs]…sinking three of the enemy’s ships and severely injuring the rest, but losing four of our own in the battle.” Japanese findings corroborate the deliberate falsification of battle report to Peking. Later in the war, the Japanese seized various state paper found in Port Arthur. An undated dispatch to Viceroy Li concerning the Battle of the Yalu described a battle “more terrible than any to found in the Naval records even of Western countries. The ships of both sides were considerably damaged, especially those of the enemy. The enemy retired first, so that victory may more or less be said to have rested with us. Had not our rear become disordered, the entire victory would have been ours.” The dispatch went on to recommend rewards for those who fought bravely.
 Viceroy Li wrote a report to the Zongli Yamen, the Chinese foreign office, based on Admiral Ding’s report to him, requesting promotions and honors for those who had participated in the battle. According to Ding’s account, after hours of fierce fighting and “vowing to die in opposing them we were enabled in our weakness to overcome their strength and to turn defeat into merit. We succeeded at this time in sinking the Admiral’s ship with one other war-vessel and one transport, thee in all; while the number afterwards sank through inquires [sic injuries?] received was still greater.” His ships, he claimed, had succeeded in preventing the Japanese from landing more troops in Korea. By all accounts, Admiral Ding, in stark contrast to so many of his contemporaries in the upper echelons of the Chinese military, was a man of great integrity and humility. Perhaps the errors in his report can be explained by the severe injuries he had received at the onset of the hostilities. It is unclear whether he over totally regained consciousness during the rest of the battle. Therefore, his report must have been based to large extent on the testimony of his associates.
 The editors of The North-China Herald dismissed the Japanese reports as untrue because they did not admit to any sunk ships. As it turned out, none of their ships was sunk. The paper concluded that it was “evident” that the battle was a draw. It is unclear how many Chinese boats went down in the battle. Official Chinese reports admitted to a loss of three of four ships; others claimed that the Chinese had lost five ships and that three others had been severely damaged. Estimates of significantly damaged Japanese boats ranged from three to five to all of the Japanese ships involved.
 According to the U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Hilary V. Herbert, the Battle of the Yalu “was nearly a drawn battle.” Although China lost four boats with an aggregate displacement of 7,580 tons while Japan lost none, “[m]ost of the Japanese fleet had suffered severely.” Had Chinese vessels been supplied with the proper ammunition – more common exploding shells instead of armor piercing shells – the Japanese might have lost. In other words, after the Battle of Yalu, the Chinese navy still could have taken on the Japanese navy to interfere with its on-going troop buildup on Asian mainland. As Vice-Admiral G.A. Ballard of the British navy later pointed out, China’s two main battleships, for which Japan had no counterparts, “should have been more than a match for the six best ships of the Japanese Navy.” But this presupposed that they were supplied with adequate ammunition, which they were not, even though China had had a month and a half after the onset of hostilities to rectify this problem.
       S.C.M. Paine (2003) The sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press





Benjamin A. Elman

This article is about the contested nature of "science" in "modern" China. The struggle over the meaning and significance of the specific types of natural studies brought by Protestants (1842-1895) occurred in a historical context in which natural studies in late imperial China were until 1900 part of a nativist imperial and literati project to master and control Western views on what constituted legitimate natural knowledge. After the industrial revolution in Europe, a weakened Qing government and its increasingly concerned Han Chinese and Manchu elites turned to "Western" models of science, medicine, and technology, which were disguised under the traditional terminology for natural studies. In the aftermath of the 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War, Chinese reformers, radicals, and revolutionaries turned to Japanese and Western science as an intellectual weapon to destroy the perceived backwardness of China. Until 1900, the Chinese had interpreted the transition from "Chinese science" to modern, universal scientific knowledge - and its new modes of industrial power - on their own terms. After 1900, the teleology of a universal and progressive "science" first invented in Europe replaced the Chinese notion that Western natural studies had their origins in ancient China, but this development was also challenged in the aftermath of World War One during the 1923 debate over "Science and the Philosophy of Life."

艾爾曼  Benjamin A. Elman


? 根據孟悅的研究,從1868到1876年,江南製造局的造船生產效率非常高,8年之內建造了11艘船,其中10艘是戰艦,這裏邊5艘是木殼船,其餘5艘則是鐵殼船。每一艘船的所有部件,包括引擎,都是在製造局生產的。製造局還嚐試不同的設計,從單螺旋槳到多螺旋槳,從木殼船體到鐵殼船體,以及從單純的戰艦到帶有回轉炮塔的船隻。與1870年代日本橫須賀造船廠的那些戰艦相比,江南製造局的船舶製造技術水平確實要高於日本最先進的造船廠。

? 孟悅指出,直到1887和1888年,橫須賀造船廠才生產出它最大的木殼戰艦,這兩艘戰艦配有12門炮,並自誇有1622馬力。而這無法和江南製造局1872年生產的最大戰艦相比,這艘戰艦有1800馬力並裝備有26門炮,更別說1875年之前,江南製造局就已經生產了5艘鐵殼戰艦,而直到1887年之後,日本的第一艘鐵殼炮艦還沒有完工。從軍備角度來說,江南製造局的這些產品基本上都領先於日本的同類產品。

? 然而,全麵地來說,中國由木殼和鐵殼船隻組成的艦隊很快就落後於歐洲的新式裝甲艦隊。此外,由於缺乏資金,直到1877年中國都沒有開始生產歐洲已經使用的複合式發動機,而是繼續在中國船隻上沿用老式的單或雙螺旋發動機。因此,在1870年代,中國的船隻仍然落後於歐洲。而且,中國的造船廠無法生產足夠的船隻,更多的戰艦是在歐洲為中國海軍建造。盡管國外技術已經應用來建造大型的先進戰艦,但是,因為中國的訓練無法跟上西方技術進步的步伐,所以,直到1890年代,中國的船隻仍舊是過時的。與此形成對照的是,日本的官員和士兵到1894年時已經是訓練有素,足以駕駛好他們的戰艦。

? 在1876年之後,江南製造局的造船業引人注目地遲緩了下來。1885年,當製造局完成了它的第一艘鋼製炮艦之後,它作為軍用造船廠的使命也就結束了。像在歐洲那樣把技術轉換到鋼製和裝甲戰船上來,中國存在的突出困難是怎樣把鐵和煤從內陸省份運輸到沿海省份,而與此同時,用進口鋼材製造船隻,價格無比高昂。然而,直到1889年,江南製造局和福州船政局的造船技術可能比起日本兵工廠仍舊有著些微領先,1889年之後,橫須賀船廠設計了新式的鋼製戰船。它的第一艘現代戰船比江南製造局所造的同類型戰船馬力更為強勁,最高時速也更快一些。

? 造船一旦不再是主要任務,江南製造局就把它的機械改造成更適合製造最先進的國外槍炮和用於軍事目的的小型武器。1874年,製造局總共生產了110門加農炮以及眾多仿照不列顛的阿姆斯脫郎工廠產品的槍炮。由製造局生產的120mm、175mm、200mm這三款口徑較大的前膛炮被放置在吳淞口以保衛揚子江的門戶。1880年代後期,製造局生產了大型的後膛炮,起初使用的是黑色火藥,後來改用褐色火藥。到了1885年,李鴻章給予德國武器製造業的優惠要多於不列顛,於是,賣到中國的由克虜伯製造的武器比例增加了。

? 到中日甲午戰爭之前,江南製造局生產了大型的後膛阿姆斯脫郎炮,它的射程從7000到11000碼。他們可以發射80到800磅的炮彈。1890年之後,製造局成功生產了快炮,製造局由此而知名,這種快炮對加強海防以及沿海防衛炮台都非常重要。到1892年,江南製造局生產了10門40磅的快炮。兩年後,製造局生產的快炮可以發射40到100磅的炮彈。因為製造局的年產量不足以滿足中國軍隊的需要,清政府仍然需要從海外購買武器。根據孟悅的研究,相比較而言,直到1905年日俄戰爭期間,日本都還沒有開始實施它野心勃勃的炮兵計劃。


? 對於1894年7月24日突然爆發的這場中日戰爭,外國報紙通常都預言中國會最後取得勝利,甚至在中國遇到了最初的失利之後還是這麽認為。英國皇家海軍副司令巴拉德(G.A.Ballard)認為1890年代的北洋艦隊正處於可用的待命狀態,並隨時可以準備行動。後來,把中國和日本的海軍艦隊進行比較後,預示著中國可能取得這場海戰的勝利。日本艦隊總共有32艘戰艦和23艘魚雷艇,共載有13928人。其中,10艘建造於英國,2艘建造於法國。阿姆斯特朗船廠生產的Yoshino號被認為是當時行駛最快的船隻,在1893年的測試中,它的速度達到23節。然而,中國的艦隊仍舊分為北洋、南洋、福建和廣東四支艦隊。1894年,這四支艦隊合起來大約有65艘戰艦和43艘魚雷艇。其中最強的北洋艦隊差不多和整個日本艦隊相當。

? 外國人普遍認為李鴻章的艦隊比日本艦隊有優勢,與此同時,日本的報紙、雜誌和小說在展望與清廷的戰鬥則洋溢著一種顯著的樂觀情緒,然而,許多日本人自己並沒有對勝利有絕對的自信。例如,政論作家福澤諭吉(FukuzawaYukichi,1835-1901年)就警告這種過度自信,盡管他也讚賞日本剛剛給被中國所抑製的朝鮮帶來的獨立和啟蒙。確實,日本議員對輕而易舉的勝利感到吃驚,明治皇帝並不情願和清廷開始處於敵對狀態。直到日本取得最初勝利的消息已經傳達到東京之後,他才沒有拒絕給伊勢的皇家神廟或他父親的墳塋派去使者宣布勝利。

? 然而,另外一位英國觀察家注意到,在中日戰爭中服役的中國船隻上,中國船員顯得士氣低落,但是所有船員的薪水都已經支付了。然而,與此形成巨大反差的是,日本海軍則整齊劃一。本來中國的四支艦隊之間是差不多同步的,但是,最後隻有北洋艦隊獨自迎戰日本艦隊。因為李鴻章讓他的艦隊遠離1884年的海戰,南洋艦隊的官員現在逮著報複北洋艦隊的機會了,他們在大多數場合避免和日本艦隊進行戰鬥。在中國不存在一支國家統一艦隊,甚至連在報紙上也都不存在。

? 中日關係中主要爭論的是朝鮮政治和經濟的開放問題,李鴻章1894年7月派遣軍隊進入朝鮮,把朝鮮置於清廷附庸國的地位,而此後不久日本就擒獲了朝鮮國王,中日之間的敵意由此開始出現。朝鮮攝政王對中國宣戰,中國和日本船隻之間的首次遭遇於7月末發生在豐島,在那場海戰之後,清朝北洋艦隊試圖保衛從威海衛到鴨綠江口的中國沿海,並在8月1日對日宣戰。


? 然而,並不是僅僅隻有技術是結果的關鍵決定因素。事實證明,日本在海軍指揮、艦船操作、以及彈殼的有效性等方麵都有優勢。一些觀察家形容福州訓練的官員是懦夫,盡管他們比起天津訓練的官員來在經曆和訓練方麵都更有優勢,天津的官員幾乎沒有人當過船長。例如,在1892年,大多數駕駛室都仍會指定福州的畢業生。然而,怯懦不是決定性因素,因為在那場鴨綠江決定性戰役中,中國發射了197顆12毫米口徑的炮彈,半數屬於實心彈,而不是炸彈,他們擊中10次,其中6次臭彈,4次爆炸。

? 小口徑炮方麵,中國人開火482次,58次擊中,22次擊中吉野號。他們還發射了5枚魚雷,但是沒有擊中。中國發射命中率大概是10%。另一方麵,日本人快速發射的命中率大概是15%。另外,非常遺憾的是,中國軍隊因為缺乏軍火而受到阻礙,特別是船隻缺乏大型槍炮。舉例來說,通過黑市來的一些炮彈填充的是水泥而不是炸藥,其中一顆擊中鬆島號,另兩顆穿過崎京號。這意味著在李鴻章的後勤供給方麵存在著非常嚴重的腐敗問題。以事後諸葛亮的想法來看,假設采取同樣的戰略決策,在鴨綠江的戰爭中,火力的速度和速率比船隻及其裝甲的重量要重要得多。

? 鴨綠江的戰爭結束之後,海濱的交戰繼續進行,因為日本人利用海上取得的戲劇性勝利發動陸地上的戰爭,這使得日本第一軍占領平壤,並穿過鴨綠江進入中國東北邊界。1894年9月組成的第二軍在遼東半島登陸,並占領了撫順港。李鴻章尋求重建威海衛海港之外的海軍,盡管很多人成為戰爭失利的替罪羊,但北洋艦隊可憐的指揮係統和缺乏朝廷整體的軍事體係,使得譴責官員和完全分派酬勞都成為不可能。此外,清廷海軍的個人獎懲體係充滿了不公平和不可預見性,許多中國艦長和官員簡單地自殺效忠了事,沒有人敢於質疑指揮組織或者要求成立一個部門來討論海軍獨立問題。

? 1895年之後,中日甲午戰爭的勝利強烈地刺激了日本的自信心。此外,在清廷被迫給予明治政府大量賠償之後,日本工業化也得以加速進行。朝鮮和台灣也都歸於日本,成為事實上的殖民地。廣大的西方注意到了小小島國打敗中華帝國的事情再次上演。然而,日本的勝利激怒了俄羅斯,俄羅斯擔心日本會擴張到亞洲大陸上來。在與德國和法國達成一致以後,俄羅斯加入到幹涉1895年4月簽定的下關條約三方中來,使得日本被迫從具有戰略意義的遼東半島撤退,作為交換的是日本從清政府得到一筆額外的賠款。

? 對於日本公眾來說,戰爭的勝利成為刺激明治新聞界的關鍵事件,社論上充斥著關於戰爭的爭論。公眾的狂熱情緒也被站在中國一邊進行幹預的歐洲列強所引導。當後來俄羅斯逼迫清廷割讓遼東半島給他們時,日本人已經準備好在中國與莫斯科大戰一場。1895年之後,當日本新聞界把播報國內新聞作為中心之後,公眾關於軍事冒險的熱情也開始變成一種平常的事情了。在那時候,東京和大阪共有60萬新聞報紙訂戶,日本對於中國的勝利在整個國家都引起反響,認為由此證明了明治時期的日本在東亞是傑出的,1904-1905年日本海軍對俄羅斯的勝利更是加強了這樣一種民族主義的勃發。

? 由於中日甲午戰爭的原因,新聞行業極大地被催發了起來,明治時期日本的這種向信息出版的轉移,刺激了用一種新的、統一的日語來報道新聞和信息的需求。例如,博聞出版社利用戰爭爆發的機會,1894年迅速出版了題為“日本與清廷戰爭日誌”的每月三期帶插圖的出版物,這極大地普及和幫助製造了一群日本戰爭英雄。其他出版商也快速追隨,關於戰爭的小說、戲劇和版畫成為搶手貨。《讀賣新聞》(Yomiurishimbun)還為發動征集“最好的”反對中國的戰爭歌曲,並頒發獎金。

? 從中國的立場來看,鴨綠江的海戰災難和中日戰爭中清廷決定性的失敗加強了中國公眾對朝廷政策失當的批評,以及對那些在朝廷和地方上反對西化的頑固保守派的批評。輸在日本手上的那場沒有預料到的海軍大災難震驚了許多文人和官員,現在他們開始在文人圈中引發一種對於西方學問的新的敬意。例如,1896年上海格致書院的成功重新開辦就和這個事件有關。傅蘭雅報告說:“整個中國,書籍生意大幅增長,連印刷機都跟不上這步伐,中國終於蘇醒了。”



“肢解”李鴻章 -------評定居高位的政治人物,首先明確標準是什麽?兼駁袁偉時。














  “與曾國藩李鴻章同時的郭嵩燾,在歐洲留心觀察英法各國的政治、經濟、社會等等製度,深知不但洋人的科技製造值得我們學習,他們的政治製度和教育文化等等更值得我們借鑒。所以他在寫給李鴻章的信中,就主張李鴻章派往英法學習製造與駕駛的學生,不如讓他們改學科學技術,以求實用。如果能夠像日本人的留學方針一樣,從政治經濟社會法律等立國之本的製度學起,當然更好。但是李鴻章對於郭嵩燾的建議,卻表示不能接受。他說:‘鄙人職在主兵,亦不得不考求兵法。’且‘兵乃立國之要端,欲舍此別圖遠者大者,亦斷不得一行其誌’,所以‘未便遂改別圖’。” (《李鴻章家書》收錄莊練著《李鴻章傳》P236,中國華僑出版社1994年11月第1版)

















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