

(2007-05-31 00:34:08) 下一個


關於中國的漢族和少數民族,現在人有很多錯誤的看法,比如,漢族是純血統的,這不對,漢族是無數個民族融合起來的。漢族是內容不斷變化的“民族”,其實,古代沒有“民族”這個說法,都是天子的子民,所謂“漢族”是近代革命黨搞出來的,有政治化的意味。生活在中國版圖上的所有民族都是中華民族的一部分。從以下16個主要民族結局看,盡管古代有殺戮,但他們都沒有消失,比如“黨項”沒有蒙古族滅絕,羯在16國時代也沒有被滅族。流傳最大的謊言是匈奴,原來說匈奴被西漢打敗後,部分成了歐洲的“匈奴帝國”,但近年通過62俱古代匈奴屍體的DNA 分析,歐洲匈奴(Huns)和中國的匈奴(Xiongnu)毫無關係,這個重大考古和生物研究成就,不知道為什麽被國內媒體忽略了。

位於蒙古北部Egyin Gol峽穀,發現一處墓地,是一處匈奴時代屍骸遺址,共挖掘出屬於不同時期的90多具屍骸。三名法國學者Christine Keyser Tracqui,Eric Crubezy和Bertrand Ludes對這些古代屍骨進行了DNA測試,測試共分Nuclear DNA細胞核DNA和MitochondrialDNA(mtDNA)線粒體DNA兩部分,最後確定了匈奴人的人種類型,他們是典型的亞洲人,和今天的蒙古、西伯利亞、中國人、朝鮮人、日本人有比較近似的人類發生學關係,而且沒有發現歐洲人血統的影響。

他們的論文發表在最權威的遺傳學學術刊物《American Journal of Human Genetics》上(《美國人類遺傳學雜誌》),發表於2003年。

寫此文的目的,主要是我對民族和曆史感興趣,另一方麵,網上某些別有用心的人又在叫囂漢族血統最純,說某某少數民族被誰誰滅族了,試圖挑撥民族矛盾。看看《史記》,最早的“漢族”就是多個民族融合而成的,根據人類考古學,最早的人類出自東非,匈奴和“漢族”來自同一個祖先。 希特勒這個狂熱的日耳曼民族種族主義者的下場大家都知道。美國有大量的移民人口,也沒有怎麽害怕汙染了他們本民族的血統。個人認為,中國的某些極端民族主義者是中了儒教的毒害,儒教的所謂“夷夏”之分,對今天的民族和諧團結非常不利,某個國學大師在媒體上甚至公然指責紀大才子,是服務於清朝的漢奸。














An unfortunate, backward Eastern European with a racist agenda. The whole concept of Indo-European is archaic in nature. Unfortunately, he's reading from a History books that's 20 years out of date.

The Romans themselves described him as having Mongoloid features. End of story. There's nothing about the Huns that's Indo-European in nature or origin, or whatever that means. History Channel had a nice feature on the Barbaric Hoards, and they talked about the recovered skulls of the Huns which clearly showed marked Mongoloid features:

"The main source for information on Attila is Priscus, a historian who traveled with Maximin on an embassy from Theodosius II in 448. He describes the village the nomadic Huns had built and settled down in as the size of the great city with solid wooden walls. He described Attila himself as:

"short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with gray; and he had a flat nose and a swarthy complexion, showing the evidences of his origin."
Attila's physical appearance was most likely that of an Eastern Asian or more specifically a Mongol ethnicity, or perhaps a mixture of this type and the Turkic peoples of Central Asia. Indeed, he probably exhibited the characteristic Eastern Asian facial features, which Europeans were not used to seeing, and so they often described him in harsh terms."


附2:2003年  美國人類遺傳學雜誌的原文

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of a 2,000-Year-Old Necropolis
in the Egyin Gol Valley of Mongolia

Christine Keyser-Tracqui,1 Eric Crube′zy,2 and Bertrand Ludes1,2

1Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Mole′culaire, Institut de Me′decine Le′gale, Strasbourg, France, and 2Anthropobiologie, Universite′ Paul Sabatier,
CNRS, UMR 8555, Toulouse, France

DNA was extracted from the skeletal remains of 62 specimens excavated from the Egyin Gol necropolis, in northern
Mongolia. This burial site is linked to the Xiongnu period and was used from the 3rd century B.C. to the 2nd
century A.D. Three types of genetic markers were used to determine the genetic relationships between individuals
buried in the Egyin Gol necropolis. Results from analyses of autosomal and Y chromosome short tandem repeats,
as well as mitochondrial DNA, showed close relationships between several specimens and provided additional
background information on the social organization within the necropolis as well as the funeral practices of the
Xiongnu people. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using biparental, paternal, and maternal
genetic systems to reconstruct partial genealogies in a protohistoric necropolis.

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博股通金 回複 悄悄話 你的論據隻是說明蒙古的匈奴沒有歐洲的遺傳基因。但是沒有說明歐洲的匈奴沒有任何來自亞洲的匈奴的基因。