

this blog is meant for my little precious

ZT: Signs that a toddler is ready to sleep

(2008-02-11 18:14:49) 下一個
Every child has her own way of signaling that she's ready for bed, but here are some general toddler cues:

• Instead of simply yawning and wanting to snuggle, toddlers can actually become more active.

• They can get irritable and easily frustrated when things don't go their way.

• They can become clumsy, bumping into furniture or stumbling on the stairs.

• They can act like "space cadets," staring off at nothing.

Reading your child's signs is a useful skill: Once you see an early signal that she's sleepy, if you move quickly to start her bedtime rituals, she'll have a better chance of falling asleep without a problem. In contrast, an overtired toddler will have a tougher time — once she crosses that line, she'll be too wired to settle down. Sleep-deprived kids are also more likely to experience night wakings and disrupted sleep.

To learn your child's signs, watch how she behaves close to her usual nap time or bedtime. A particularly good time to study a toddler is right after lunch.

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