Ten rules for playing the gorilla game
1) If the category is application software,begin buying in the bowling alley
那要看有沒有那魄力- 搞不好會破產
2) If the category is enabling hardware orsoftware, begin buying after the tornado has formed
3) buy a basket comprising all the gorillacandidates - usually at least two, sometimes three, and normally no more thanfour companies.
4) hold gorilla stocks for the long term. Sellonly on proven substitution threat
道理都懂,問題是怎麽知道the threat is proven substitution. 對業界要有相當的了解。
5) hold application software chimp stocksas long as they exhibit potential for further market expansion. Do not holdenabling-technology chimps
理由是ApplicationSoftware很難被Replace。 Switching Cost很高
6) hold kings and princes lightly, sellingindividual stocks on a marketplace stumble and the category upon decelerationof hyper growth
7) once it becomes clear to you that acompany will never become a gorilla, sell its stock
這個好懂,主要是心理上的問題 – 頭腦清醒,承認錯誤的意思吧。
8) money taken out of non-gorilla stocksshould immediately be reinvested in the remaining gorilla candidates
9) in a gorilla collision, hold yourgorilla candidates until there has been a definitive outcome
10) most news has nothing to do with thegorilla game, learn to ignore it.