
Baker Road and other tips

(2010-01-19 14:38:10) 下一個
Now you are really off the beaten path that many locals don't even know about.

Here is a link about Baker Rd and by the way the nwsource.com site is pretty good resource:

The view I talked about is the sourth faces of Mt Shuksan and Mt Baker both reflected in the Lake created by the dam. The few times I was there the reflection was always there. Basically you take Hwy 20 heading east and turn left on Baker Rd (Hwy 20 has a sign to Baker Lake). It's right before the small town Concrete, WA. Off Baker Rd the first lake on your right hand side is not the Baker Lake with the reflection. The one with the reflection is further down the road and is right next to the dam. You cannot see it off Baker Rd - you have to turn right onto a Forest Rd toward a hydro engergy station where the dams are.

By the way, off Baker Rd, if you are up for hiking the 6-7 mile Park Butt trail and its surrounding network of trails (can be found on the website above) can take you very close to a glacier off Mt Baker.

On your way back from Canada, you might consider taking the usually less crowded Sumas border crossing, which gets you onto Hwy 547, which connects to Hwy 542, and as you may already know now Hwy 542 ends at Heather Meadows, Picture Lake, and Artist Point (which is open in August). Many trails in this area as well and one of my favorite is Chains Lake trail, starting from the Ranger station at Heather Meadows. Endless views of the north faces of Mt Baker and Mt Shuksan, the flat top Table Mountain and its reflection, blue turquis colored alpine lakes and rivers, etc. Be sure to load up on insect repellent, water, and sun screen in August if you go.

There is a car passenger ferry that goes from Port Townsend (on the Olympic penninsula side) to Whidbey Island and it will drop you very near Fort Ebbey and a little south of Deception Pass.
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