ZT: Anacortes is the crown jewel of Fidalgo Island, easternmost of the San Juan Islands and jump-point to the rest of the world-renowned archipelago. Fidalgo, the “drive-to” island, is accessible by bridges from the east and from Whidbey Island to the south. It is also home to the Washington State Ferry terminal, serving the rest of the San Juans and Sidney/Victoria, British Columbia.
Washington Park, a 220-acre gem facing Rosario Strait, is this community's largest and most popular park. It features a full-service campground, boat launch, picnic shelter, and loop road for walking, biking or driving. There is also a playground and beach area for kids and adults. Deception Pass Bridge and the state's busiest park are just minutes away, offering spectacular views and unique stretches of beach.
Mount Erie Park, rising 1,300 feet above Anacortes, provides spectacular views of the Skagit Valley and neighboring islands. Surrounded by more than two square miles of public forestland, it can be reached in boots, on a bike, or in a car.
Historic Downtown Anacortes offers specialty shops, antique stores and art galleries. Our historic mural project takes travelers past restaurants boasting cuisine from the Northwest and six other nations. Quaint bed and breakfasts, inns, motels and waterfront RV parks offer an array of accommodation options.
人們來Anacortes, 大多是趕輪渡去San Juan群島和Victoria。 豈不知, 踏上Anacortes, 就已經到了San Juan的450多個島之一了。 Anacortes本身, 就是周末出海釣魚捉蟹野餐劃船登山攀岩…..遛彎瞎逛放鬆發呆的好去處。
ZT (Poem): Fidalgo SUNSET
On Puget Sound
Time is not a wave
That washes over all,
But a last ship at sunset
That draws a curtain of a thousand shades
1. Deception Pass的鐵橋,看到它,想起了卡桑得拉大橋, 跨過鐵橋, 就上了Whidbey 島。鐵橋的兩岸,是Deception Pass State Park。

2. 從Deception Pass的鐵橋遠望Baker雪山

3. 從伊麗山(Mt Erie) 望Whidbey Island

4. 從伊麗山(Mt Erie)遠眺San Juan Islands

5. 從伊麗山(Mt Erie)看日落San Juan

6. Washington Park,看船來船往,一本書,一杯茶, 在春天


8. 童年

9. 海的回憶

10. 歸 (Washington Park in Anacortes)

11. Anacortes 港(Cap Sante in Anacortes)

12. 遠航歸來的船隻在等待 (Cap Sante in Anacortes)

13. 終年積雪的Mt Baker (from Cap Sante, Anacortes) 冰川岩石下, 是沉睡的岩漿, 長眠待醒的巨人(海拔10,000尺的Baker是休眠火山)

14. Washington Park

當地特產: spot shrimp,常在20號公路邊上有掛牌賣煮熟的,去皮即食, 原汁原味,不用任何佐料。
有感於看Erdong, 77華州行係列大作,每個都想頂, 讓我手癢, 借機續貂 。並希望
Anacortes: 西雅圖西北78英裏, 開車約1個半小時。
Deception Pass State Park: 距Anacortes約10英裏, Hwy 20 Oak Harbor/Whidbey Island方向
謝謝觀看, 旅途愉快!