Intel在過去這20年間創下的奇跡不得不令人讚歎。 當你提到PC, 要說硬件,那9成是Intel;而軟件,那是微軟。 說起來英特爾和微軟就象兩個連體人一樣控製著芸芸眾生。
可是回到1984年,那時的英特爾被日本公司打得落花流水,損失高達2億多。人說一個公司處於薇涫逼誥拖笠?吖?勞鮒?齲?你或者走出來成為勝者, 或者消耗在裏麵從此無人知曉。87年Andy Grove升任總裁, 從此英特爾開始了走出死亡穀的裏程。Andy認準了一條:就是PC將會是人們生活中的必需品。這個市場英特爾一定要拿住。
英特爾從那時起,由身家15億10年後長到了250 億。市場上無人能與抗衡。
從此Andy Grove也名聲鵲起。有人誇他是有遠見的天才。 有人冷笑他不過是冷酷無情的生意人,獨斷專行的大老板。Andy Grove在他的書(Only the paranoids survive)裏對遠見這個詞(vision)頗不以為然, 認為人的選擇和行動才是最重要的, 因為新技術一直都會有。當然他也堅持說鼓勵公司裏的中層發表不同意見對成功至關重要, 但傳言中說他對不合他口味的意見是一概不聽的。
為此有人不滿,說他把英特爾建成了一個“One trick pony" (中文似乎可以用黔驢技窮來形容吧)
甭管說什麽, 重要的是這個人僅僅通過一個產品,控製了全世界人民使用計算機的方式,也限製了競爭者動作的餘地。 他的能量輻射力絕對令人俯首。尤其考慮到他是到了高中才從匈牙利移民到美國。
所以他說的話大概值得一聽(反正我挺喜歡), 雖然不少是說技術的,但更多對活人也很適用的:
Avoid random motion.
Not all problems have a technological answer, but when they do, that is the more lasting solution.
Satisfaction doesn't come in moments but in periods of time.
Privacy is one of the biggest problems in this new electronic age. At the heart of the Internet culture is a force that wants to find out everything about you. And once it has found out everything about you and two hundred million others, that's a very valuable asset, and people will be tempted to trade and do commerce with that asset. This wasn't the information that people were thinking of when they called this the information age.
Take a bit of the future and make it your present.
Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.
We're living the Next Big Thing. It's a little like living in the time when electricity was in its early stages. It took decades for electricity to change the landscape. We're in the early stages of recasting our commercial lives, our professional lives, our health practices, everything.
You have to pretend you're 100 percent sure. You have to take action; you can't hesitate or hedge your bets. Anything less will condemn your efforts to failure.
Profits are the lifeblood of enterprise. Don't let anyone tell you different.
You must understand your mistakes. Study the hell out of them. You're not going to have the chance of making the same mistake again--you can't step into the river again at the same place and the same time--but you will have the chance of making a similar mistake.
Status is a very dangerous thing. I've met too many people who make it a point of pride that they never take money out of a cash machine, people who are too good to have their own e-mail address, because that's for everybody else but not them. It's hard to fight the temptation to set yourself apart from the rest of the world.
Risk is the cost of aggressive objectives.
It's not enough to make time for your children. There are certain stages in their lives when you have to give them the time when they want it. You can't run your family like a company. It doesn't work.
Assume any career moves you make won't go smoothly. They won't. But don't look back.
A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation.
Technology is both an end in itself and a means to other ends. When you figure something out and make it work, there is pleasure and excitement. Not just because the technology is going to do something, but because you created something with its own inherent beauty, like art, like literature, like music.
Denial can blind.
It is a very important truism that immigrants and immigration are what made America what it is. We must be vigilant as a nation to have a tolerance for differences, a tolerance for new people.
When you have cancer, there's always a finite chance that it will recur, so talking about the whole experience in past tense is a little presumptuous. So yes, I have faced the prospect of dying, of having a specific cause of mortality hanging over my head for the rest of my life. But I don't think the experience changed me, not that either I or anyone close to me has been able to spot.
All art is in some fashion escape. It sucks you out of your own life. It absorbs you.
Retirement is a process. You have to figure out the new rules, and you have to figure out what works under the new rules.
The most powerful tool of all is the word no. There's never enough time.
you are so right, the history is the best testimony. I think some people are just very jealous of him.