

(2006-05-20 12:17:10) 下一個

Deepa Mehta [right]

Lisa Ray [leading actor]

[zt] from WATER web page

Deepa Mehta: 加拿大籍印度電影人


Set in 1938 Colonial India, against Mahatma Gandhi's rise to power, WATER begins when 8-year-old Chuyia is widowed and sent to a home where Hindu widows must live in penitence. Chuyia's feisty presence deeply affects the lives of the other residents, including a young widow, who falls for a Gandhian idealist.


There are some images that become indelible in our minds. One such image that has stayed with me for 10 years is that of a Hindu widow in the Holy Indian city of Varanasi. Bent like a shrimp, her body wizened with age, white hair shaved close to her scalp, she scampered on all fours, furiously looking for something she had lost on the steps of the Ganges. Her distress was visible as she searched amidst the early morning throng of pilgrims. She was paid scant attention to, not even when she sat down to cry, unsuccessful in her attempt to find whatever she had lost.

---Deepa Mehta





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影雲 回複 悄悄話 作舟是"中國製造"...作舟的詩歌是"作舟製造"....那不也等於"中國製造"麽??

never doubt!!!
未夕 回複 悄悄話 有氣節!

"詩歌-中國製造" - Made in China (note: Outsource to America) :)
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 中國的藝術家當然是層出不窮的...我們放眼世界的目的,除了開闊自己的眼界,更主要的是吸取有用的東西,而不是跟著起哄...



影雲 回複 悄悄話 中國也有一些好導演,象賈樟柯,任何時代裏都不乏敏銳的心,隻是時代的噪音也許

未夕 回複 悄悄話 "我個人以為“藝術家精神”不分國界。。。" 是的。完全同意!
未夕 回複 悄悄話 ZF, "國內也有一些真的藝術家在執著", 完全同意。 中國,在曆史上,在如今,都有一些“蘇世獨立,橫而不流”的文學家藝術家。
z.f. 回複 悄悄話 WX,你比我說得好:))將進酒,杯莫停!請多給藝術家們灌點兒酒:)))


“國內一些藝術家所缺乏的,也許就是這種 "Universal" "Humanity"。”

未夕 回複 悄悄話 ZF, 如果將Topic轉換到 “文藝精神”“藝術家精神”,是的, “不是非要在大片或什麽大製作裏體現的”。 從一首小詩, 一個短評, 一段記錄片,等等, 都無時無處地體現出來。

另外, “作舟的詩歌”, 並非 Made in China :)。 作舟的詩歌的“藝術家精神” 不能代表國內的“藝術家精神”。作舟的詩歌已更 Universal.

國內一些藝術家所缺乏的,也許就是這種 "Universal" "Humanity"。
z.f. 回複 悄悄話 WX,我以為文藝,藝術家精神不是非要在大片或什麽大製作裏體現的,比如作舟的詩歌,隨便舉個例子,ARS EROTICA,SONG OF MAY等等,我覺得就挺有文藝精神,藝術家精神的。。。我還說不好,很難解釋這些。。。
未夕 回複 悄悄話 本人對文藝是外行, 因此從來不敢擅加評論。 作為讀者和觀眾, 對中國九十年代之後的文藝作品知之甚少。 僅好看武俠類電影,但張藝謀的《英雄》令我失望, 同類題材的電影, 陳凱歌的《荊柯刺秦王》好看些。可惜陳凱歌最近的《無極》也令我失望。總覺得缺少什麽(精神),不爽。 中國的大片, 隻好期待於未來了。
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 what is lost/destroyed in current movie industry is humanity! result from Modernization and Materialism . . .

All art works have the presence of Humanity . . .

z.f. 回複 悄悄話 what they are doing is "following the money"----or, "survival of the fittest" like what has been going on in the west....the best results of that have been wars, or at least, the out sourcing of jobs, etc....


for example, China has not produced any good documentary films for a loooong time.....!!!!!

人們不願麵對現實,更何況藝術家常得不到支持,另外,中國人都太“聰明”,認“真”的人很少,我感覺在中國“good documentary films”或許像廖同誌那種鬥士有膽子去拍??。。。但是我感覺中國現在有產生 good documentary films 的“肥沃土壤”,非常多的素材,非常多的資料,非常多的角度。。。隻是生活在那裏藝術家們大都“短路”或者在掙紮,但我感覺還是會有一些可以 stands beyond 的有識之士有可能會去 produce some good documentary films ...期待中。。。

many of the Chinese films on the market for the last two decades are very retarded, both artistically and spiritually.....

完全同意,越來越弱智,both artistically and spiritually..... 我甚至懷疑有多少人還在真的思考“藝術”與“精神”這樣的字眼,當人們的腦子被“錢”,“利”,“權”,“名”,“地位”等等這樣的字眼所占據。。。總之,在我眼裏,這些都很不詩意。。。
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 很失望他們不再珍惜自己“藝術家”的天分和所長,失去了藝術家精神,被商業“短路”走欺騙麻木大眾的“黃金道”,我已經不想去看張藝謀的“滿地都是黃金甲”。。。張藝謀陳凱歌都讓人多少有些失望。。。準備注視“出生牛犢不怕虎”的新新導演:)


what they are doing is "following the money"----or, "survival of the fittest" like what has been going on in the west....the best results of that have been wars, or at least, the out sourcing of jobs, etc....

for example, China has not produced any good documentary films for a loooong time.....!!!!!

many of the Chinese films on the market for the last two decades are very retarded, both artistically and spiritually.....
z.f. 回複 悄悄話 yeah, she is the kind of filmmaker we need from China!!!!
Nowadays, too many Chinese filmmakers are wasting their lives and money making "eye candies" instead of real films with depth and meaning.....

看real films with depth and meaning.....
或者看真的好玩的幽默的生活的電影with depth and meaning.....:)

作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 yeah, she is the kind of filmmaker we need from China!!!!
Nowadays, too many Chinese filmmakers are wasting their lives and money making "eye candies" instead of real films with depth and meaning.....

like your quotes.....seems like you are reading a great deal....

z.f. 回複 悄悄話 "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." -- M.L.KING

Much Madness is divinest Sense –
To a discerning Eye –
Much sense – the starkest Madness –
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail –
Assent – and you are sane –
Demur – you’re straightway dangerous –
And handled with a Chain –

-- Emily Dickinson

真的對Deepa Mehta充滿了敬意!!!

“Chuyia's feisty presence deeply affects the lives of the other residents。。。

There are some images that become indelible in our minds...





“Fire“, ”Earth“, ”Water”......很有詩意!!!

