2004 (212)
2005 (450)
2008 (49)
雖然我掙錢不多,但我心安理得,我沒有去蒙騙,用的是最真實的方式。我沒有去造假、造聲勢,利用各種機會來取得成功、收獲名利。我每年都在發專輯,丁武在幹什麽?如果你是真誠的,即使你去掃大街,也沒人會看不起你。如果有一天我的音樂走到頭了,我就寧可去掃大街,也決不拿以前的輝煌來繼續混飯吃 ... 看看現在,哪裏還有音樂,除了歌就是歌。到處都是妖風邪氣,我很反感。我鄙視這些。我鄙視紅地毯,我鄙視星光燦爛的人物。到處都是娛樂,但是否真的可樂?愚蠢的樂。這些都是盛世之後帶起來的,盛世在前。音樂現在這樣,都是被那些人搞壞的。盛世不是喊出來的,而應該是反映出來的,大家都被人家忽悠了 ... 從2000年開始,我一直以謹慎的態度,來觀察、對待這些事。我本以為會有所改觀,一直抱有希望,所以我在從事這個,一直埋頭苦幹音樂。但是2008年奧運就要來了,情況卻並沒有改變。我們就這樣迎接奧運?奧運是這麽辦的嗎?這會給別人留下怎樣的印象?我是一個土生土長的北京人,我愛北京。所以我要提醒大家。
[文章來源: 南都周刊]
[Unfortunately, it has become more and more difficult to find good quality albums by D. W. (because of his struggle to run against the grain) since I left China. But the little I have known about his music is enough to reflect the massive garbage produced in the music market in China. I hope more music lovers will learn about the meaning of an artistic spirit and support artists like D. W. ---Z.Z.]
Instrumentally, Dou Wei is better than Cui Jian..... but again, i don't really like comparing artists i like....
“。。。看看現在,哪裏還有音樂,除了歌就是歌。到處都是妖風邪氣,我很反感。我鄙視這些。我鄙視紅地毯,我鄙視星光燦爛的人物。到處都是娛樂,但是否真的可樂?愚蠢的樂。這些都是盛世之後帶起來的,盛世在前。音樂現在這樣,都是被那些人搞壞的。盛世不是喊出來的,而應該是反映出來的,大家都被人家忽悠了 ...”
... music lovers will learn about the meaning of an artistic spirit and support artists like D. W.
once back home visiting, z.z. surprised some old friends by singing cui jian's songs at a karaoke bar . . . wow! you still remember chinese, friends asked while filling my beer glass ...
lz, 什麽是"歌聲緊"?
I generally don't like Rock. nothing to do with the artists. To me, Rock is good for 渲泄,but lack the sense of aesthetics. :) I might be getting old..:)))
DW sound an honest artisit to me for sure, unwilling to bend and has a lot of courage! I am not surprised that ZZ loves him. :) I bet that if ZZ sings, he would sing like DW! :)
you shouldn't play hide-and-seek with us.... :))
you know your posts are always appreciated.....!!
music is really personal, like poetry ....
Instrumentally, Dou Wei is better than Cui Jian..... but again, i don't really like comparing artists i like....
i suppose you know about music....how music is made, right??
i think what your friend said about him is believable.....
i posted Bob Dylan before.....China needs more than one Bob Dylan....
"Keep rocking in the real world!"
--Neil Young
ZZ should give SD some credit.:)))) She posted the fist one with lyric. :))))
Music wise, I don't like much. Lyric wise, he is somewhat close to CuiJian's style.
They bring back the memory of seeing Dou Wei and the band, HeiBao, in 1992[93?] in Qingdao....with Cui Jian, they were the best Chinese concerts I've been to!!
I really like his quieter songs like "上帝保佑" ... they seem to have a higher quality both instrumentally and lyrically....
Please post more [if you can find songs besides these two albums]....
if you haven't heard/listened his music, you need to catch up!!
i am not kidding....with music, i am just as picky as i am with poetry ...到處都是娛樂,但是否真的可樂?愚蠢的樂。這些都是盛世之後帶起來的,盛世在前...!!!!
music [pop/rock] wise, Dou Wei is the best in China in my humble opinion....
Fye Wang belongs to those "shooting stars" whose flames die soon after the talents run out....
btw. I don't like Ms Wang's singing (now she is Mrs Li, isn't she?)
From what you quoted, DW doesn't sound "poor" at all.