
Fairy tales

(2005-11-26 11:34:25) 下一個
Fairy tales are told to children as bedtime stories by the adults, or at any tender moment when the young ones cannot comprehend the immensity of the world. The adults’ mind is already weak for reasons they are too ashamed to confess to their children. . . . We grew up listening to “fairy tales” the adults no longer believed in. :: Z.Z.
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影雲 回複 悄悄話 reminds me of one of LYL's poems . . .
知凡 回複 悄悄話 the immensity of the world... <---> "人"

"人" <---> the immensity of the world...
知凡 回複 悄悄話 我的意思是想說把公主和王子變成“人”,不就好理解了嗎?



LTG 回複 悄悄話 Is that all the dictionary give you??

知凡 回複 悄悄話 :))))))))))))))))))))


fairy tale:
1. 神話故事;童話
2. 【婉】謊言,不實之詞
LTG 回複 悄悄話 Isn't that "天方夜譚" ???


the word "fairy tale" means more than 安徒生童話, of course.... such as political, religious and ideological fairy tales....
知凡 回複 悄悄話 安徒生童話,格林童話,天方夜譚,伊索寓言等等這些對我的影響似乎比很多深奧冷峻的書對我的影響都深。。。有一次,我的女友說她再也不願意給她的女兒講公主與王子的童話故事,我說還是要講並且要很虔誠地講,因為讓孩子們明白自己就是“公主”,所以那個“王子”便不是宮殿裏的“王子”,正如我們不是宮殿裏的“公主”一樣。。。。