

(2005-10-27 12:08:05) 下一個
影雲君在樓下詩評裏提到“無意識寫作”[automatic writing], 它是個很重要的,也很有趣的概念。 它是文學/詩歌創作中一個極其關鍵的因素,換言之,就是 “創作動機”[motives]的問題。 同時,這個題目也非常大,相當複雜。 我們每天讀到的文字,無論是創作型的還是非創作型的,百分之 九十九是“有意識寫作”的結果,連“意識流”的東西也算在內。 我們中國人對這種“有意識寫作”應該最清楚,其最典型的就是 “政治宣傳”[propaganda]!由於政治的獨裁,人性的壓抑,“創作” 就有了“崇高的目的”!! 近代中國出現的不同類型的“文乞”就是此類現象的犧牲品,如 社會主義國家的“人民作家/詩人/藝術家”等,都是文乞,都 是“宣傳布道”的工具。 除了政治對文學藝術創作壓抑腐蝕外,現代的商業意識也以不同 方式影響著人類原始的創作欲望,所以又出現“文妓”[有男有女]。 “文妓”比“文乞”聰明了,也更貪婪,不僅要生存,還要出名, 發財。 如果說‘文乞’以賣字,賣靈魂求生的話,“文妓”還會賣屁股! 所以,真正的“創作”談何容易!! 影雲君博覽群書,能涉及詞類話題真是太有價值了。希望朋友們 直言不諱,各抒己見! 知凡 : 讀完這篇文章,讓我想到 “努力”一詞。如果說一個人很努力很努力在寫作,而努力的“努”字,力字之上是個“奴”字。 真正創作型的藝術或詩歌,在創作時的力量,我想不是靠努的“力”創作出來的,創作的“力”是生命的一種自然迸發,也就是這裏所提到的“無意識寫作”[automatic writing]…… 而讀者,其實很容易便可以讀出作品力量的源泉來自何處…… 個人意見,僅供參考。 影雲 : z.z., very well-said!!! Agree with you 100%!!! Automatic writing is not a style of writing, but a way of revealing truth, truth about ourselves, about life. Writing here is more like a mirror of words to capture instead of manipulating what’s going on inside. Most of the time, we are buried under the noise of consciousness and can understand 10% or less of ourselves, which means that our self knowledge resembles the tip of an iceberg. I like this analogy though I cannot remember which famous psychologist says it. The remaining 90% is hidden in the unconsciousness. Listening to unconsciousness is like finding a key to enter the hidden realm by means of dreams, meditation, and the like. That’s why I am amazed when reading this poem! Upon first reading, I’ve known and believed that this poem is an artwork!!! It captures the emerging and receding of consciousness and unconsciousness and their intermingling and separation - - - such a natural flow - - - which I have only seen in surreal paintings - - - multilayered emotionally. In our daily life, we seldom experience this. Only a sensible and self-aware person can have this ability. I won’t conclude what the poem tried to tell - - - because whatever flows out of the poem is purely objective and universal - - - this objectiveness and openness come from dissolving of consciousness - - - like crystal-clear water - - - therefore, whatever a reader sees in the poem is just his or her own reflection. That’s the beauty of this poem!!! Indeed, your recent poems tend to “flow” in that direction, gazing inward, which reminds me of your “every minute of a minute’s eternity” (unspent dreams) or William Blake’s “Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand/And eternity in an hour.” To me, it’s an inner explosion (or exploration, but I prefer explosion), dynamically hidden under the surface of peacefulness. Love what you said about the motives that literary whores and word mongers have for writing - - - so true - - - that they target readers and write based on what the readers want, no difference from selling anything else. In another word, their words are measurable by dollars. Their writing is not art for truth but for entertaining and satisfying others. A self sacrifice a writer will realize sooner or later. Usually this kind of writing has a short life and easily reaches its bottleneck.
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