(2005-10-26 21:31:01)
1. 中國人口占全球的21%,但中國的水資源隻占全球的7%。
2. 被工業廢物和化肥嚴重汙染的黃河給1.5億中國人提供水源。
3. 3.6億中國農村人口缺乏安全衛生的引用水。
4. 2004年,26000平方公裏的亞馬遜森林被砍伐。
5. 2004年,全球因恐怖襲擊死傷人數並非如美國國防部宣稱的“下降”,而是升高了50%。
6. 每天大約3000兒童死於可預防性疾病和營養不良。
7. 1997年,為預防禽流感,香港在三天內消滅了1500萬隻[飛]禽。
8. 1918-1919之間,全球有兩千五百萬至五千萬人因西班牙流感喪生。
9. 今天,一萬多家美國私人保安公司雇傭的保鏢約兩百萬,是美國警察總數的四倍。
10. 65%的約翰內斯堡[南非]的居民感覺夜裏在家中也不安全。
11. 每次射精,四千萬名(40,000,000)精子奔赴有去無回的生存競爭。其中至少一千萬
名精子是體格健壯的,勇往直前的,英勇頑強的戰士,結果是,最多隻有一個戰士能存 活,長大成人。[from Shui-dee]
from Harper's magazine, Feb., 2005
12. Average number of Americans injured every year by air rifles, paintball weapons, and
BB guns: 22,000 [Danielle Laraque, Mount Sinai School of Medicine (N.Y.C.) ]
13. Estimated number of different languages spoken at home by Alaskan school-
children : 110 [Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (Juneau) ]
14. Chance that a Japanese grade-school student reports never having seen a sunrise
or sunset : 1 in 2 [Kawamura Gakuen Women's University (Chiba, Japan) ]
15. Percentage by which British university graduates are less likely than non-graduates
to phone their mothers regularly : 20 [Institute for Social and Economic Research,
University of Essex (Colchester, U.K.) ]
16. Rank of the United States among the largest world exporters of cigarettes: 1[U.S.
Department of Agriculture ]
17. Rank of the United States among nations that consume the most cigarettes per
capita: 16[World Health Organization (Washington)]
18. Average total cost for a U.S. eighty-year-old to live out the rest of his or her days
on a luxury cruise ship: $230,497[Lee Lindquist, Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine (Chicago)]
19. Average cost to live them out in an assisted-living facility: $228,075[Lee Lindquist,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago)]
20. Percentage of children who by age seven have had at least one imaginary
friend: 65[Dr. Marjorie Taylor, University of Oregon (Eugene)]
21. Percentage of these friends who are animals: 41[Dr. Marjorie Taylor, University
of Oregon (Eugene)]
from Harper's magazine, 1998
22. Number of people killed worldwide last year by pirates: 51
[International Maritime Bureau (Essex, England)]
23. Number of cars broken into by bears last year at Yosemite National
Park: 889 [Yosemite National Park (Yosemite, Calif.)]
from The Harper's Mag. 2005
Annual cost of all sixteen U.N. peacekeeping missions currently underway: $3,870,000,000[United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (N.Y.C.)]
Monthly cost of the U.S. occupation of Iraq: $4,100,000,000[U.S. Department of Defense]
Months before Hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck, volunteer searchers found 6,251 homeless people living in the coastal areas of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama. The search was part of an unprecedented count of the nation's homeless population that the federal government asked cities and counties to conduct.
That snapshot tally was 727,304 homeless people nationwide, meaning about one in 400 Americans were without a home, according to a USA TODAY survey of all 460 localities that reported results to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in June. (Related story: Search produces wealth of data)
---from alternet.org