
回fairy and YingYun:喜歡梅!!!!!!!

(2004-12-31 23:01:37) 下一個
fairy & YY, You two are amazing! Thank you for translating those poems and helping other friends who don’t read English understand my poems. Your readings and translations show that you two are also poets in spirit! I feel really good to be translated and enjoyed by like-minded friends like you and many others on here. You two seem to understand the meaning of “poetic content” very well. It is easy to learn to be scientific, but not easy to learn to be poetic! Needless to say about the abstract human feelings, emotions, such as love, etc.. A poem is not answer, but a quest. Beware of those who claim that they “know” something in their writings! Modern poetry is about poetic content! In other words, what one writes in a poetic form does not necessarily make it a good poem. Those who seek a quick fix in a poem usually result in writing garbage, which is reflected by those who write with the lower parts of their bodies. It only “works” for some teenagers. It is also a predestined failure if one tries too hard to impress or “shock” the reader. Nowadays, nothing is shocking anymore! People’s senses are dulled by all the noise of the Information Age, and the cruel globalization, the global wars! Anyway, I can go on a lot longer because of your understanding and intelligence, but I will save our time and write more poems for you to translate  Have you ever seen the bumper sticker that says, “Make Love, Not War” ?? cheers! LTG
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