Ars Poetica
(2004-12-31 22:22:32)
On this particular day
She was born in songs
Like a seed growing
Through the indifferent earth
There are private
Chambers in each word
Cardiogenic, self-sufficient
When the world going starved
Watery, luminous eyes
Staring at the outside---
Strange affairs feeding
Estranged souls
She was lost for a while
Among constellation
Of animal-shaped stars
Unable to see her own beauty
I watch with joy
The slowly opening
Of the aromatic leaves
Spreading vein by vein
Word after word---
The rippling shadows
Of her wings
I let the steam blind
My eyes like the clouds
Once blinded hers
As she walked towards me
I smell indigo
I feel smooth jade
I kiss off the tear
Hanging from her eye
On this particular day
I don’t know where
She came from
Where she’ll go
And I no longer care
On this particular day
Behind the clouds of her
Womanly scent
She is singing
She is dancing
She is becoming
She is being
---LTG, 20 Dec. 2004