

(2008-05-28 21:27:47) 下一個

Dusting off your savior

Well, you were always my favorite

Always my man, all in a hand

To celebrate you is greater

Now that I can, always my man


Now you see what I came for

No one here is to blame for

Misunderstand, all in a hand

Just like you could, you make me

All that I am, all in a hand


A butterfly that flaps its wings affecting almost everything

The more I hear the orchestra the more I have something to bring

And now I see you in a beautiful and different light

He's just a man and any damage done will be all right

Call out my name, call and I came


Dusting off your savior

Forgiving any behavior

He's just a man, all in a hand

Your hero's destined to waver, anyone can

Always my man


I would never betray you

Look at me who could raise you

Face in the sand, safe in your hand

You were always my favorite

Always my man, all in a hand


We are the Red Hots and we're loving lots the love me nots

The flowers in your flower pot are dancing on the table tops

And now I see you in a beautiful and different light

He's just a man and everything he does will be all right

Call out my name, call and I came


Dusting off your savior

The life that you have narrated

You were my man



yes, any damage done will be all right...................

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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
黑黑黑黑 回複 悄悄話 咣當,,胖弟感動S俺了,立即默誦,打印,掛中堂,,,,

aptamer 回複 悄悄話 最近回國了,很久沒有上來。在成都經曆了地震。看了4黑的相關文章,很感動。
G6PD 回複 悄悄話 黑班怎麽了?周末就是節日了。

“Why worry, there should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now”
黑黑黑黑 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,謝懶寶。。。。

嗯小頂,俺現在非常需要一個救世主,來告訴俺any damage done will be all right....
似頂非頂~~~ 回複 悄悄話 救世主???
懶寶 回複 悄悄話 第一次搶到沙發,激動得不知道該說什麽了。。。。。。。。。。。
懶寶 回複 悄悄話 SF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~