

(2009-07-13 11:09:39) 下一個


Hayley Westenra - Prayer


讓你擁抱我們 Let your arms enfold us
穿過黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保護我們 Will your angels hold us
直到光明來臨 Till we see the light

噓,別不放心 Hush, lay down your troubled mind
我們度過光陰 The day has vanished and left us behind
風的私語平靜 And the wind - whispering soft lullabies
緩緩閉上眼睛 Will soothe - so close your eyes

讓你擁抱我們 Let your arms enfold us
穿過黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保護我們 Will your angels hold us
直到光明來臨 Till we see the light

睡吧天使照應 Sleep, angels will watch over you
美麗夢想成真 And soon beautiful dreams will come true
感到擁抱靈魂 Can you feel spirits embracing your soul
夢想驅散黑影 So dream while secrets of darkness unfold

讓你擁抱我們 Let your arms enfold us
穿過黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保護我們 Will your angels hold us
直到光明來臨 Till we see the light

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