yuanyuan88 (熱門博主)
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Exodus 深沉大氣恢弘雄壯!make you fly!

(2012-07-04 18:48:35) 下一個
出埃及記主題曲 theme of Exodus.1960年電影原聲音樂。我的單曲音樂貼裏是Maksim鋼琴曲,深沉大氣恢弘雄壯!不知誰能找到電影全集?

Exodus means:

1) The departure of the Israelites from Egypt.

2) A departure of a large number of people.

Exodus is a 1960 epic war film made by Alpha and Carlyle Productions and distributed by United Artists. Produced and directed by Otto Preminger, the film was based on the 1958 novel Exodus, by Leon Uris. The screenplay was written by Dalton Trumbo, which represented the breaking of the Hollywood Blacklist. The film features an ensemble cast, and its celebrated soundtrack music was written by Ernest Gold.

The film is based on the events that happened on the ship Exodus in 1947 as well as events dealing with the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.

Nurse Katherine "Kitty" Fremont (Eva Marie Saint) is an American volunteer at the Karaolos internment camp on Cyprus, where thousands of Jews - Holocaust survivors - are being held, as the British won't let them go to Palestine. They anxiously wait for the day they will be liberated. Ari Ben Canaan (Paul Newman), a Hagannah rebel who previously was a captain in the Jewish Brigade of the British Army in World War II, obtains a cargo ship and is able to smuggle 611 Jewish inmates out of the camp for an illegal voyage to Mandate Palestine before being discovered by military authorities. When the British find out that the refugees are in a ship in the harbor of Famagusta, they blockade the harbor. The refugees stage a hunger strike, during which the camp's doctor dies, and Ari threatens to blow up the ship and the refugees. The British relent and allow the Exodus safe passage.


More detailed information please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exodus_(1960_film)

Academy Awards

Composer Ernest Gold won the Academy Award for Best Original Score at the 1960 Oscars.

The film was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor (Sal Mineo) and for Best Cinematography (Sam Leavitt).

Golden Globe

Sal Mineo won the Best Supporting Actor Award

Grammy Award

Ernest Gold won Best Soundtrack Album and Song of the Year at the Grammy Awards of 1961 for the soundtrack and theme to Exodus respectively. It is the only instrumental song ever to receive that award to date. Oddly, the first notes of the great dramatic theme are identical to the opening theme of a somewhat obscure orchestral piece by Quincy Porter, New England Episodes, premiered in 1958 in Washington, DC.


主題歌曲 This Land is Mine

Exodus Soundtrack - Ernest Gold

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yuanyuan88 回複 悄悄話 回複米德1的評論:
米德1 回複 悄悄話 音樂真的震憾心靈。
yuanyuan88 回複 悄悄話 回複京城的燕子的評論:
京城的燕子 回複 悄悄話 謝謝園園的分享。多年前,我聽的是下麵哪個Maksim的版本。非常喜歡這首曲子。
