

2008 Ohio Star Ball Competition

(2008-11-25 19:12:22) 下一個
最近比較忙,九月遊日本回國渡假,十月底換工作,十一月第二周到 Las Vegas 開會,第三周到 Ohio 參加 DanceSport 比賽。先把錄像放到 YouTube 上,別的以後慢慢寫。

I could do better in the competition, but a kind of in tense due to long time no competing (1st time after more than 3 years). I danced not as well as I practiced, though practice time were very tight during those busy days.

1〉Waltz and Tango

2> V-Waltz and Foxtrot
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閱讀 ()評論 (12)
夜光杯 回複 悄悄話 遙祝F_G牛年開順,祝福開開心心,紅紅火火!
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 回複鄰家玉妹的評論:
Happy New Year!
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 回複海鷗飛處的評論:
Your daughter is lovely, by reading from your articles. It seems you'll have a young dance partner soon :-)
海鷗飛處 回複 悄悄話 回複flamenco_girl的評論: 十項全能的好啊,既能教 standard,又能 latin。就省得再找另外一個老師了。


去 OSB 恐怕不是近期能辦到的事了。早些年 team 裏要拉隊去 OSB 比賽,我就沒法去。害得我的 partner 好失望。

flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 回複海鷗飛處的評論:

我老師是Slava Sergiev,曾獲全美職業十項全能亞軍,代表美國參加世界比賽。不過這幾年新人輩出,他已走下坡路了,再加上他的腿還受過傷。吃這行職業飯真不容易。我還會繼續上他的課。怎奈我的 dance bug 冬眠覺醒。

的確,DanceSport得有partner在一起磨才有長進。我這 Partner 還是原來的。本地資源有限。

海鷗飛處 回複 悄悄話 看了你的錄像。還是跳的不錯的。看不清你的老師是誰(大概也不認得)。你以後打算跟他上課嗎?

你現在有 amateur partner 了?真是太好了。跳 Pro/Am 是太貴了,而且很難有足夠的練習。跳 amateur 就可以在兩人的時間允許之下愛練多少就練多少。

可惜我除了當年當學生時去了一趟 OSB 後就再也沒有機會去了。那次我還沒有 partner。隻能在一旁坐冷板凳幹瞪眼。 :(  真是很羨慕你能去比賽和觀賞。
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:
Hi Melly,

I wish I had you there too. But, likely next year again. I'm kind of attracted to this event. April was there competing again with her BF(from NY).

Yes, I danced with my previous teacher, only spent 11 - 12 hours in two monthes before competition after 5 years didn't dance with him. I spent two monthes with a new teacher before that, and planned to compete with him, but it didn't work out.

I plan to dance with my amateuer partner now, and prepare for competitions next year.

I know you like Waltz, me too.

Happy Thanks Giving!
melly 回複 悄悄話 You look awesome. I wish I had been there.

Saw some familiar faces, the NY guy, shanghai girl, maybe a CA lady as well. Is you partner the former teacher?

Much more enjoyable than watching other people. Still love Waltz most.

Happy holidays.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 也祝杯子盡享感恩節美餐。如今加入 public service,不再有紅包可指望了。

夜光杯 回複 悄悄話 F_G, 火雞節快樂,願火雞的香味能帶給你一年的豐收,年終發紅包時別忘了請我吃大餐! :))