近年來Pro/Am scholarship A 的水準遠高於Amaturer Pre-Champ (due to the contribution of pro), while the Am side is usually at least in pre-champ level, and many of them compete in Amatuer competitions as well.
海鷗,我同意你的看法。謝謝你費心圈注。這次因在本地比賽,Slava的學生很多,他從12:30pm 到6:30pm就沒停過。Open Standard Scholarship A 是在周六日場最後壓軸。想來他的體力已大打折扣了。我的 FT Routine 是該重新編排一下了。在three fallaway之前太無驚人之處。因為比賽的少,在場上比較 in tense.更象是在 get over technical process,instead of enjoy dancing. I believe one has to enjoy/touch herself first before can enjoy/touch others.這也確實是我要改進的。
Nice to see you again! You are right, I'm devoting more time dancing now, will compete in Regional next Saturday, and National more that a month later.
Yes, I made some improvements since Ohio. Pro/Am is a training ground. I won $200 scholarship this time for the 3rd place (spent more than that for competition). Unfortunately, I had only 2 hours practice with my teacher in the month before competition. I should have done better otherwise.
Thanks for sharing.
Pro/Am 是個training ground.比Amaturer partnership容易些。不過的確有你說的不利因素。Amaturer partnership比較不易維持,花時間也多。這不,我的partner又不想比了,臨陣脫逃。
近年來Pro/Am scholarship A 的水準遠高於Amaturer Pre-Champ (due to the contribution of pro), while the Am side is usually at least in pre-champ level, and many of them compete in Amatuer competitions as well.
menhaoran1有了新的Amaturer partner.他們有在MAC比賽(in Silver level).
我不喜歡跳 pro/am 的原因裏,除了太貴,就是老師是跟許多人跳的,他們跟多數的學生都不能像自己的 partner 那樣 fit 得很好。而且他們的精力也會是個問題(當有很多學生的時候)。我記得以前有個地方有個老師甚至跳到在場上暈倒的(那個老師在當地頗有名氣)。 :(
“I believe one has to enjoy/touch herself first before can enjoy/touch others.”
menhaoran1 在那裏比賽?跟哪個老師?你還真說對了。我今晚大概又要做比賽夢了。。。 :(
海鷗,我同意你的看法。謝謝你費心圈注。這次因在本地比賽,Slava的學生很多,他從12:30pm 到6:30pm就沒停過。Open Standard Scholarship A 是在周六日場最後壓軸。想來他的體力已大打折扣了。我的 FT Routine 是該重新編排一下了。在three fallaway之前太無驚人之處。因為比賽的少,在場上比較 in tense.更象是在 get over technical process,instead of enjoy dancing. I believe one has to enjoy/touch herself first before can enjoy/touch others.這也確實是我要改進的。
你對 DanceSport 的情結真像我當年對體操的,很多很多年後還常在夢中回體操隊訓練。如今的DanceSport也算是對我的補償吧。看你蘊馨的生活,就算是對所失的補償吧。隻要保持身體素質訓練(如芭蕾,瑜珈),將來還是有機會的。
歡迎龍鳳來訪。看來你也是內行啊。和我比賽的是我的教練之一 Slava Sergiev。他曾獲全美職業十項全能亞軍,代表美國參加世界比賽。不過這幾年新人輩出,他已走下坡路了。隻是本地難找更match的職業教練.歡迎有空多來切磋。
其實,國標舞關鍵在男伴。 在Waltz and V-Walt中的正轉(Natural Turn),男伴的轉幅要是能更大一些,會顯得更流暢,更飄逸。
Nice to see you again! You are right, I'm devoting more time dancing now, will compete in Regional next Saturday, and National more that a month later.
Yes, I made some improvements since Ohio. Pro/Am is a training ground. I won $200 scholarship this time for the 3rd place (spent more than that for competition). Unfortunately, I had only 2 hours practice with my teacher in the month before competition. I should have done better otherwise.
Long time no see. How are you? You are seriously devoted to dancing now. Good for you. Felt better than Ohio Competition?