


(2007-08-24 08:33:14) 下一個


將你的兩手交叉相握,如果左手姆指在上,你是理智驅使型的; 如果右手姆指在上,你則是感情驅使型的。

有趣的是這種相握方式與生俱來,變換成另手在上就非常別扭。你也可以從 baby 測起。要指出的是,理智驅使型也有感情用事的時候,隻是做最後決定時多是通過大腦; 而感情驅使型也有理智的時候,隻是做最後決定時多是隨心所欲。


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flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 Thanks lovely168 and templa for letting me know. I feel it's pretty correct as well for applying to people I know.

"I think most of the Democrates are左手姆指在上, while most Republicans are 右手姆指在上 (Is that the reason they differentiate them as left and right?"
An interesting prospective, though kidding. It seems they behave like so, isn't it?
templa 回複 悄悄話 Very interesting and very accurate (at least for me).

P.S: I think most of the Democrates are左手姆指在上, while most Republicans are 右手姆指在上 (Is that the reason they differentiate them as left and right?:)
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 回複lunamia的評論:
lunamia 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,我也是理智驅使型的。

flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 回複飛飛~的評論:
Welcome 飛飛 to my half of semisphere. You sound like so as well.
飛飛~ 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,我是理智驅使型的。
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 Longhair, welcome stopping by. It's interesting to know the bio element, isn't it. I guess most time it will not seem wrong if we say someone is 感情驅使型, especially to woman, because we can never be 理智驅使 enough as alive human being.

Melly, as I said to Longhair above, we never feel we are 理智enough, as a human and as a woman, with the sensitivity we have. Usually, I tend to avoid life drama that could be my 理智 part.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flamenco_girl的評論:
You know me.

I was so wrong,I thought you were 感情驅使型的 too. :-)))
longhair 回複 悄悄話 I am 理智驅使型? hehe...kinda of unbelievable. I always consider myself 最後決定時多是隨心所欲. :))
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 No wonder you have so many romantic content in your blog :-)

I'm 理智驅使型, and also quite intuitive. I guess you are 感情驅使型 and analytical. Am I right?
melly 回複 悄悄話 I am 感情驅使型的. But I am rational too.:-)))