


(2008-10-27 09:21:55) 下一個

Leverage has become a dirty word in the market. Over-leveraged hedge funds and banks have collapsed under the weight of their bad bets, and investors everywhere have learned to avoid any company that has the leverage taint. It's seems, then, that the timing couldn't be worse for an ETF company to release a new crop of leveraged ETFs, but Direxion pushed ahead with its Novemeber offerings eight of triple-leveraged long or short return ETFs.

What's surprising is the funds have turned out to be extremely popular so far. For example, the trading volume for BGU was 19063 on 11/5 and then quickly jumped up huge to 11.412m shares on 11/20, a whopping 600 fold volume hike in a matter of 11 trading days (I checked it out with a few old timers and none of them witnessed anything even close to it).

The new triple leveraged Direxion funds:

* (BGU) Bull 3x Shares Large Cap
* (TNA) Bull 3x Shares Small Cap
* (ERX) Bull 3x Shares Energy
* (FAS) Bull 3x Shares Financial
* (BGZ) Bear 3x Shares Large Cap
* (TZA) Bear 3x Shares Small Cap
* (ERY) Bear 3x Shares Energy
* (FAZ) Bear 3x Shares Financial
These 3 beta ETFs are created for pros, sophisticated investors and active ST/DTers to hedge or leverage their trading power. Obviously, they are not made for the faint of heart due to the extreme price volatility.

摩根士丹利新興市場指數(MSCI Emerging Markets Index). MSCI Emerging Markets Index 是一種自由浮動調整的市場資本化指數,包含25個新興市場國家中最大和最具流通性企業的800多種領先證券。該指數涉及的國家包括一些當今發展最快的全球性經濟體,這使得該指數成為了許多交易戰略中的一個重要工具。
ANYbody know how to see MSCI???

Stock   Stock    Option    Expiration   Option Oct-24 Oct-23 Oct-22 Oct-21 Oct-20    Jump   
1 EEV   $310 Call   Nov-08 EYGKX $12 $4.70 $2.70 $0.05 $0.05 240
1 EEV   $290 Call   Nov-08 EYGKV $14.20 $12 $7.80 $0.35 $0.20 71
1 EEV   $280 Call   Nov-08 EYGKP $16.30 $11 $9.40 $1.15 $0.25 65.2
1 EEV   $300 Call   Dec-08 EYGLW $27.70 $13.40 $13.70 $1 $1 27.7



“在90年代的牛市中,投資似乎很簡單。但是如今,情況變得不一樣了。很多投資者感到自己隻能按部就班,沒辦法很快速實現自己的想法。對那些想操縱市場、久經沙場的投資者以及專業投資人來說,重要的是找到與眾不同的方式。他們希望能夠找到一種投資策略,可以使他們超越傳統,並擁有能夠調節策略的能力。顯然,Profunds是適合之選。”Profunds 集團在其網站上的“自我宣傳”聽起來相當吸引人。

  11月8日,國內媒體集體關注的一個話題便是:隨著Profunds集團最新推出的UltraShort FTSE/Xinhua China 25 ProShares(AMEX:FXP,以下簡稱“FXP”)在美國交易所掛牌,美國的投資者開始通過這個ETF產品,做空中國。


  “預計很多投資者對能夠通過簡單易行的方式做空中國股市有強烈的興趣,”Profunds集團旗下專門提供做空ETF產品的Proshares主席兼CEO Michael Sapir說,新華富時25指數過去5年增長了600%,而目前已經出現了大量有關中國泡沫可能性的討論。

  與FXP一同推出的還有一隻做空日本股市的ETF,即UltraShort MSCI Japan(AMEX:EWV)。


  即便是在全球ETF行業內,Proshares 基金都顯得有些特立獨行。







  這6隻產品包括做空MSCI EAFE指數(反向收益)、做空放大MSCI EAFE指數(反向雙倍收益)、做空放大MSCI新興市場指數(反向雙倍收益)、做空放大MSCI日本指數(反向雙倍收益)和做空放大新華富時25中國指數(反向雙倍收益)。


  用Michael Sapir的話說,做空策略通常是機構投資者和對衝基金采用的投資策略,但推出做空ETF產品Proshares係列,可以讓更多投資者享受做空的巨大收益。


















ProFunds introduces two new ways to act on China's next move.

Chinese markets have provided staggering returns in recent years, far outpacing both the S&P 500 Index as well as the MSCI EAFE Index over the past three years.

Which side are you on?

Opinions are divided on the future of Chinese stocks. Here's what some leading analysts are saying.

Now, two simple ways to act on your view

Now you can easily act on your beliefs about the direction of Chinese markets with two new ProFunds.

The Bank of New York China Select Index is a free-float adjusted/modified capitalization-weighted index. The Index is designed to track the performance of a basket of Chinese companies who have Depositary Receipts that trade on a U.S exchange or on the NASDAQ.

As with all ProFunds, these new funds offer you the flexibility to shift your investments as you see market conditions changing. There are no limits on the number of exchanges among the more than 60 ProFunds—but remember, exchanges may have tax consequences.

Act on your view about China today.

A few words about risk
Investing in these ProFunds involves certain risks, specifically, market, correlation, credit, exchange rate, foreign currency, foreign money markets, liquidity, aggressive investment technique, non-diversification, repurchase agreement, and inverse correlation risk (in the UltraShort China ProFund). These funds do not constitute a complete investment program and they may not be suitable for all investors.

These ProFunds are not diversified investments. Narrowly focused investments, including single-country funds, typically exhibit higher volatility. International investments may also involve risk from unfavorable fluctuation in currency values, differences in generally accepted accounting principles, and economic or political instability.

Vital Statistics

Class Ticker CUSIP Fund Number
Investor UHPIX 74318X-737 169
Service UHPSX 74318X-729 199

Inception Date for all share classes is ––

as of 3/28/2008

Class NAV % Change $ Change
Investor $36.34 -4.57% -$1.74
Service $36.30 -4.60% -$1.75
At a GlanceUltraShort China ProFund provides leveraged exposure to the The Bank of New York China Select Index. ObjectiveSeeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to twice (200%) the inverse (opposite) of the daily performance of the Bank of New York China Select ADR Index.

There is no guarantee that any ProFund will achieve its investment objective. Investment return and principal value will vary and shares may be worth more or less at redemption than at original purchase. See the prospectus for more information.

This ProFund routinely employs leveraged investment techniques that magnify gains and losses and result in greater volatility in value. This ProFund should experience losses when benchmark indexes rise.

Investing in ProFunds involves certain risks, including active investor risk, counterparty risk, credit risk, early close/trading halt risk, portfolio turnover risk, market risk equity risk, correlation risk, leverage risk, aggressive investment technique risk, geographic concentration risk, and volatility risk.

An investment in this ProFund entails the special risks of international investing, including currency exchange fluctuation, government regulations, and the potential for political and economic instability.

Returns (as of 12/31/2007)
YTD (as of 3/28/2008) 21.13%
Average Annual One Year ––
Average Annual Three Year ––
Average Annual Five Year ––
Average Annual Since Inception ––
Cumulative Since Inception ––
Gross Expense Ratio ––
Net Expense Ratio ––

View Performance Chart

Fund Statistics
Limits On Exchanges None
Minimum Investment
Individual Investor $15,000
Financial Professionals $5,000

Investing in ProFunds involves certain risks, including in all or some cases, leverage, liquidity, concentration, non-diversification, foreign investment, foreign currency, high yield, interest rate, credit, market, correlation, aggressive investment technique and repurchase agreement risks. Moreover, there is no guarantee that any ProFund will achieve its investment objective. These risks can increase volatility and decrease performance. All ProFunds permit active investment strategies which can decrease performance and increase expenses.




Performance | NAV vs. Closing Price | Understanding Long-Term Performance

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted.

Short MarketCap Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
Short QQQ PSQ 6/19/06 4.82 -2.15 3.65 -2.74 -11.34 -12.92 -11.45 -12.95 1.14 0.95
Short Dow30 DOG 6/19/06 3.6 -2.11 2.91 -2.45 -1.5 -7.05 -1.35 -6.99 1.21 0.95
Short S&P500 SH 6/19/06 9.56 0.68 8.8 0.41 1.31 -5.42 1.34 -5.37 1.08 0.95
Short MidCap400 MYY 6/19/06 10.53 0.2 10.31 0.15 -1.24 -5.05 -1.41 -5.08 1.07 0.95
Short SmallCap600 SBB 1/23/07 14.82 12.67 15.08 12.48 - 5.33 - 5.02 1.89 0.95
Short Russell2000 RWM 1/23/07 17.61 15.43 17.51 15.17 - 5.34 - 5.47 1.70 0.95
UltraShort QQQ QID 7/11/06 1.47 -12.79 0.88 -13.23 -27.18 -31.6 -27.29 -31.58 0.98 0.95
UltraShort Dow30 DXD 7/11/06 0.46 -8.45 0.03 -8.46 -8.94 -17.57 -8.74 -17.51 1.05 0.95
UltraShort S&P500 SDS 7/11/06 12.02 -2.09 11.7 -2.23 -3.94 -13.67 -3.71 -13.33 0.96 0.95
UltraShort MidCap400 MZZ 7/11/06 13.37 -2.4 12.39 -3.11 -8.99 -12.13 -8.67 -11.85 1.05 0.95
UltraShort SmallCap600 SDD 1/23/07 21.17 16.87 21.54 16.41 - 2.84 - 2.7 1.59 0.95
UltraShort Russell2000 TWM 1/23/07 26.14 21.8 24.58 20.63 - 2.24 - 2.6 1.08 0.95
Short Style Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
UltraShort Russell1000 Value SJF 2/20/07 21.7 29.85 21.76 29.72 - 11.93 - 12.3 2.37 0.95
UltraShort Russell1000 Growth SFK 2/20/07 3.89 11.39 4.09 11.08 - -8.09 - -8.19 2.36 0.95
UltraShort Russell MidCap Value SJL 2/20/07 33.27 40.74 42.44 41.23 - 22.74 - 22.38 2.37 0.95
UltraShort Russell MidCap Growth SDK 2/20/07 7.43 14.63 7.21 14.38 - -3.96 - -4.74 1.99 0.95
UltraShort Russell2000 Value SJH 2/20/07 39.99 50.45 39.21 49.62 - 32.17 - 32.85 2.12 0.95
UltraShort Russell2000 Growth SKK 2/20/07 15.08 23.79 15.84 24.12 - -2.48 - -2.7 1.78 0.95
Short Sector Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
UltraShort Basic Materials SMN 1/30/07 -38.59 -39.7 -37.98 -39.61 - -40.21 - -40 2.00 0.95
UltraShort Consumer Goods SZK 1/30/07 4.32 6.76 4.61 6.89 - -6.54 - -6.57 1.91 0.95
UltraShort Consumer Services SCC 1/30/07 40 40.84 40.91 41 - 30.02 - 30.27 1.94 0.95
UltraShort Financials SKF 1/30/07 65.32 66.93 64.7 67.1 - 46 - 45.96 1.30 0.95
UltraShort Health Care RXD 1/30/07 8.95 12.62 8.72 12.94 - -1.96 - -2.54 1.91 0.95
UltraShort Industrials SIJ 1/30/07 -2.35 -3.13 -1.8 -3.22 - -16.7 - -16.48 1.24 0.95
UltraShort Oil & Gas DUG 1/30/07 -46.36 -42.18 -46.68 -43.42 - -47.41 - -47.51 2.00 0.95
UltraShort Real Estate SRS 1/30/07 55.1 57.3 52.64 56.57 - 59.94 - 60.38 1.59 0.95
UltraShort Semiconductors SSG 1/30/07 20.17 17 22.55 16.55 - -15.58 - -16.23 1.94 0.95
UltraShort Technology REW 1/30/07 4.04 9.11 2.74 7.12 - -20.56 - -19.52 1.95 0.95
UltraShort Utilities SDP 1/30/07 0.37 -7.73 -0.3 -8.07 - -25.53 - -25.56 2.00 0.95
Short International Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
Short MSCI EAFE EFZ 10/23/07 - 14.08 - 13.74 - 3.98 - 3.74 1.22 0.95
Short MSCI Emerging Markets EUM 10/30/07 - 10.68 - 10.45 - 4.35 - 4.1 1.22 0.95
UltraShort MSCI EAFE EFU 10/23/07 - 25.86 - 25.21 - 6.2 - 6.04 1.22 0.95
UltraShort MSCI Emerging Markets EEV 10/30/07 - 14.94 - 11.84 - 4.81 - 4.86 1.22 0.95
UltraShort FTSE/Xinhua China 25 FXP 11/6/07 - 29.91 - 28.4 - 10.08 - 10.28 1.22 0.95
UltraShort MSCI Japan EWV 11/6/07 - 19.81 - 20.11 - 8.43 - 9.5 1.32 0.95
Ultra MarketCap Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
Ultra QQQ QLD 6/19/06 -10.7 5.39 -10.18 5.77 28.68 35.15 28.77 35.17 1.07 0.95
Ultra Dow30 DDM 6/19/06 -4.31 10.28 -4.4 10.21 8.71 23.94 8.6 24.13 1.22 0.95
Ultra S&P500 SSO 6/19/06 -15.43 3.64 -14.62 4.15 1.66 19 1.04 18.65 1.11 0.95
Ultra MidCap400 MVV 6/19/06 -17.64 2.72 -17.72 2.91 6.37 16.06 4.86 14.91 1.34 0.95
Ultra SmallCap600 SAA 1/23/07 -26.24 -22.78 -25.7 -22.35 - -9.67 - -9.77 2.48 0.95
Ultra Russell2000 UWM 1/23/07 -31.06 -27.8 -30.9 -27.56 - -11.45 - -11.58 2.50 0.95
Ultra Style Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
Ultra Russell1000 Value UVG 2/20/07 -22.86 -27.78 -22.51 -27.37 - -13.71 - -13.73 2.26 0.95
Ultra Russell1000 Growth UKF 2/20/07 -7.94 -14.27 -7.87 -14.27 - 6.35 - 6.23 2.30 0.95
Ultra Russell MidCap Value UVU 2/20/07 -30.07 -33.76 -30.18 -33.53 - -21.56 - -21.69 2.21 0.95
Ultra Russell MidCap Growth UKW 2/20/07 -13.51 -18.98 -13.65 -19.1 - 0.05 - 0.6 2.23 0.95
Ultra Russell2000 Value UVT 2/20/07 -38.4 -42.66 -38.74 -43.01 - -31.84 - -31.55 2.64 0.95
Ultra Russell2000 Growth UKK 2/20/07 -22.93 -28.46 -22.63 -27.96 - -5.83 - -5.47 2.60 0.95
Ultra Sector Fund Ticker Inception Date Month-end Performance Quarter-end Performance Gross Expense Ratio (%) Net Expense with waiver (%)¹
NAV Total Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 Market Price Returns (%) as of 2/29/2008 NAV Total Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007 Market Price Returns (%) as of 12/31/2007
1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept* 1 Year Since Incept*
Ultra Basic Materials UYM 1/30/07 33.66 37.53 36.83 39.17 - 46.76 - 45.71 1.95 0.95
Ultra Consumer Goods UGE 1/30/07 -4.32 -6.37 -4.4 -6.39 - 8.27 - 9.04 2.02 0.95
Ultra Consumer Services UCC 1/30/07 -32.28 -32.38 -31.78 -32.21 - -24.52 - -23.98 2.40 0.95
Ultra Financials UYG 1/30/07 -51.32 -51.02 -51.5 -50.71 - -39.87 - -39.59 2.28 0.95
Ultra Health Care RXL 1/30/07 -7.99 -10.74 -8.8 -11.2 - 3.9 - 3.87 2.00 0.95
Ultra Industrials UXI 1/30/07 -3.63 -2.38 -3.82 -2.39 - 16.52 - 15.04 2.12 0.95
Ultra Oil & Gas DIG 1/30/07 57.2 47.29 54.09 46.75 - 69.05 - 68.96 1.62 0.95
Ultra Real Estate URE 1/30/07 -52.56 -52.35 -52.85 -52.12 - -49.07 - -49.02 1.87 0.95
Ultra Semiconductors USD 1/30/07 -31.08 -28.56 -31.34 -28.39 - 7.4 - 7.23 1.94 0.95
Ultra Technology ROM 1/30/07 -13.25 -16.81 -13.96 -16.54 - 19.04 - 19.11 2.25 0.95
Ultra Utilities UPW 1/30/07 -7.35 1.31 -7.47 1.46 - 28.27 - 27.55 1.88 0.95

1 = Expenses with Contractual Waiver for 10/1/07 through 9/30/08





The Bear Funds Scoreboard
Mutual Funds (fund name order) 03/25/08

Fund Ticker NAV Change

Access Flex Bear High Yield Fund AFBIX 27.03 0.17 0.63%
Comstock Capital Value Fund DRCVX 2.32 0.01 0.43%
Comstock Strategy Fund CPFAX 2.36
0.01 0.43%
Direxion Developed Mkts Bear 2.0X Fund DXDSX 13.14 0.03 0.23%
Direxion Dollar Bear 2.5X Fund DXDDX 28.23 0.07 0.25%
Direxion Emerging Markets Bear 2.0X Fund DXESX 4.67 0.02 0.43%
Direxion FDS 10 Year Note Bear Fund DXKSX 13.62 0.18 1.30%
Direxion High Yield Bear Fund PHBRX 19.10 0.30 1.55%
Direxion NASDAQ-100 Bear 2.5X Fund DXQSX 16.45 0.17 1.04%
Direxion S&P 500 Bear 2.5X Fund DXSSX 18.45 0.35 1.93%
Direxion Small Cap Bear 2.5X Fund DXRSX 13.94 0.46 3.41%
Direxion US Short Fund PSPSX 25.38 0.05 0.20%
Leuthold Grizzly Short Fund GRZZX 6.30 0.09 1.45%
ProFunds: Bear ProFund BRPIX 28.33 0.22 0.78%
ProFunds: Falling US Dollar ProFund FDPIX 31.91 0.03 0.09%
ProFunds: Rising Rates Opp. Fund RRPIX 17.32 0.24 1.37%
ProFunds: Rising Rates Opp. 10 Fund RTPIX 26.69 0.17 0.63%
ProFunds: Short Oil & Gas ProFund SNPIX 17.68 0.05 0.28%
ProFunds: Short Real Estate ProFund SRPIX 26.42 0.28 1.07%
ProFunds: Short Small-Cap ProFund SHPIX 17.46 0.23 1.33%
ProFunds: Short OTC ProFund SOPIX 16.22 0.09 0.56%
ProFunds: Short Precious Metals Fund SPPIX 18.33 0.14 0.77%
ProFunds: UltraBear ProFund URPIX 15.43
ProFunds: UltraShort Emkt Fund UVPIX 8.39 0.05 0.60%
ProFunds: UltraShort Japan Fund UKPIX 42.90 0.04 0.09%
ProFunds: UltraShort Intl Fund UXPIX 22.31 0.34 1.50%
ProFunds: UltraShort Mid-Cap ProFund UIPIX 15.34 0.27 1.79%
ProFunds: UltraShort Small-Cap ProFund UCPIX 15.76 0.41 2.67%
ProFunds: UltraShort Dow 30 ProFund UWPIX 18.40 0.25 1.38%
ProFunds: UltraShort OTC ProFund USPIX 12.23 0.15 1.24%
Prudent Bear Fund BEARX 6.66 0.07 1.06%
Prudent Global Income Fund PSAFX 13.85 0.01 0.07%
Rydex Inverse Dynamic Dow Fund RYCWX 35.11 0.50 1.44%
Rydex Inverse Dynamic OTC Fund RYVNX 15.74 0.17 1.09%
Rydex Inverse Dynamic Russell 2000 Fund RYIRX 48.18 1.26 2.69%
Rydex Inverse Dynamic S&P 500 Fund RYTPX 35.28 0.54 1.55%
Rydex Inverse Government Long Bond Fund RYJUX 16.90 0.19 1.11%
Rydex Inverse Mid-Cap Fund RYMHX 37.40 0.34 0.92%
Rydex Inverse OTC Fund RYAIX 21.44 0.13 0.61%
Rydex Inverse Russell 2000 Fund RYSHX 39.35 0.52 1.34%
Rydex Inverse S&P 500 Fund RYURX 40.20 0.32 0.80%

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