2007 (228)
2008 (195)
2009 (139)
2010 (93)
2011 (90)
2012 (50)
2013 (77)
2014 (72)
2015 (67)
2016 (62)
正好政府關門大吉. 曆史上這還是第一次, 在一黨控製一宮二院時, 居然沒能達成臨時協議, 隻能閉門了事. 想起當年窗破在大西洋賭城開賭場破產, 徹底退出行業. 當莊家當到賠本, 還真罕見, 難怪成了80年代末期的大笑話.
--Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA): "Our country was founded by geniuses, but it's being run by idiots"
-- 安全理事會顧問McMaster: McMaster: Trump“is an idiot " and a “dope” with the intelligence of a“kindergartner”
--國務卿Tillerson: Trump is "a moron"
-- 總統經濟顧問 Gary Cohn: Trump is "dumb as shit"
--財務部長Steve Mnuchin:Trump is "an idiot"
他的競選口號MAGA新解: Morons Are Governing America!
正在讀Michael Wolff的 "怒火與怒氣". 寫得真引人入勝, 但有他事分身, 隻能讀得斷斷續續. 作者為美國人民做了一件大好事: Make America Read Again.