weston (熱門博主)
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華裔著名媒體人 Connie Chung首次公開披露50年前性侵史

(2018-10-03 14:38:58) 下一個

80-90年代來美的, 都熟知她當年的英姿. 至今沒有華人乃至亞裔超過她在媒體業的地位.

她寫信給 Dr. Ford, 坦敘封塵了50年的受辱經曆. 平和敘述和此事件的暴力本質, 呈現強力反差. 有女兒的, 讀著尤其令人堵心.

她力挺 Dr.Ford之餘, 也是為了教育公眾. 沒被強奸, 性侵受害者也會遭受嚴重心裏創傷. 他們會對很多情節失憶, 但被侵是不可能忘卻的.

眾多人包括老川以Dr. Ford無法回憶某些細節, 質疑她甚至公開嘲笑她, 是出於無知和試圖為使暴者開脫.

感謝Connie Chung和她的勇氣!

不想讀的, 可聽她念信:


Connie Chung

Connie Chung is a broadcast journalist.

Dear Christine Blasey Ford,

I, too, was sexually assaulted — not 36 years ago but about 50 years ago. I have kept my dirty little secret to myself. Silence for five decades. The molester was our trusted family doctor. What made this monster even more reprehensible was that he was the very doctor who delivered me on Aug. 20, 1946. I’m 72 now.

It was the 1960s. I was in college. The sexual revolution was in full swing. The exact date and year are fuzzy. But details of the event are vivid — forever seared in my memory.

Am I sure who did it? Oh yes, 100 percent.

I was a cool college coed but not that cool. I was still a virgin in the ’60s. I did advance to the so-called heavy petting stage, short of intercourse. I assumed that would come next.

I went to my family doctor to ask for birth-control pills, an IUD or a diaphragm.

His office was in his home, a classic Georgetown 19th-century house, creaky wooden floors with worn velvet Victorian furniture. His office was to the left of the front door, through double doors with glass windowpanes covered with tight curtains. It was a large room divided by a curtain he could draw. Half the room was his office, the other half his examination space.

Again, I cannot remember the exact date or even year. Yet I can still describe the following in detail. He drew the curtain, asking me to remove my clothes below the waist while he sat at his desk by the bay window. When I was ready, he came to the examination area and installed stirrups on one end of the cushioned examination table.

Here I was in my 20s and I had never had a gynecological examination. I had never even seen exam stirrups before. It was extremely odd to spread my legs and dig my heels into those cold iron stirrups.

While I stared at the ceiling, his right index finger massaged my clitoris. With his right middle finger inserted in my vagina, he moved both fingers rhythmically. He coached me verbally in a soft voice, “Just breathe. ‘Ah-ah,’ ” mimicking the sound of soft breathing. “You’re doing fine,” he assured me.

Suddenly, to my shock, I had an orgasm for the first time in my life. My body jerked several times. Then he leaned over, kissed me, a peck on my lips, and slipped behind the curtain to his office area.

I don’t remember saying anything to him. I could not even look at him. I quickly dressed and drove home.

At the time, I think I may have told one of my sisters. I certainly did not tell my parents. I did not report him to authorities. It never crossed my mind to protect other women. Please understand, I was actually embarrassed about my sexual naivete. I was in my 20s and knew nothing about sex. All I wanted to do was bury the incident in my mind and protect my family.

My mother could not read or write English, let alone drive. From then on, I told her our family doctor lives too far away. We’re not going to see him anymore.

Years later, I told my husband. When did I tell him? What year? What date? I don’t remember.

When the superb reporting of the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and the New York Times’s Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor helped touch off this intimate discussion, my dirty little secret reared its ugly head and I told anyone who would listen.

I think the doctor died almost 30 years ago in his 80s. I’ve driven past his home/office many times but refused to look at it. Just yesterday, I found the house on Google Maps. Seeing it again, I freaked out.

Christine, I, too, am terrified as I reveal this publicly. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Can you? If you can’t, I understand. I am frightened, I am scared, I can’t even cry.

Will my legacy as a television journalist for 30-plus years be relegated to a footnote? Will “She Too” be etched on my tombstone instead? I don’t want to tell the truth. I must tell the truth. As a reporter, the truth has ruled my life, my thinking. It’s what I searched for on a daily working basis.

Christine, I know the truth, as you do. Years ago, my husband read a novel by Rita Mae Brown called “Six of One.” He told me, “There’s a great line in this book. ‘The advantage of telling the truth is you don’t have to remember what you said.’ ”

I wish I could forget this truthful event, but I cannot because it is the truth. I am writing to you because I know that exact dates, exact years are insignificant. We remember exactly what happened to us and who did it to us. We remember the truth forever.

Bravo, Christine, for telling the truth.

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閱讀 ()評論 (16)
唐西 回複 悄悄話 一個自己以為解放自己,其實是自己毀掉自己,無法有憑證的metoo故事。
weston 回複 悄悄話 回複 '藍調' 的評論 : 她特地寫出令通常人羞以開口的細節, 就是告誡世人, 要突破自身心理障礙勇敢站出來, 直視施害者.
weston 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Etornado' 的評論 : 找本書看看自律神經係統如何運作的. 舉個極端例子, 腦死亡的病人都可以經曆性高潮.
Etornado 回複 悄悄話 性高潮是一種生理反應,與心理無關?哈,別告訴我們你是女人。
藍調 回複 悄悄話 讚她的勇氣。

“Patients, many of them Asian international students, stayed quiet, witnesses reported.”
Jane49Jane 回複 悄悄話 性高潮是一種生理反應,與心理無關。之於當事人享受還是厭惡這種感覺和心理有關,她顯然在當時是厭惡這種感覺的,而且是認為自己被醫生玩弄了。而那個醫生不應該最後kiss她,這個是做過了。
ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 Dr. Ford無法回憶某些細節,可是這個50年前的事情還曆曆在目。這不是打福特的臉嗎?
yijibang 回複 悄悄話 又是一個心理變態後的故事!
大方毛毛 回複 悄悄話 看來她當時享受了“被侵犯”,而不是害怕或者厭惡。
Etornado 回複 悄悄話 很多日本色情影片因為描寫女人在被性侵中得到高潮,但幾乎所有女性對此都嗤之以鼻,認為那都是男人自己的幻想,因為她們覺得在這樣的情況下女性不可能有什麽快感!所以才覺得Connie Chung的事情有些詭異。
Etornado 回複 悄悄話 樓下的,問題她當年可是20多的成年人,不是沒滿18歲的孩子。
ahniu 回複 悄悄話 又一個死無對證的故事。
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 我不明白這位婦科醫生從他的所作所為中能得到什麽樂趣,變態嗎?作為婦科醫生,他看到的隻是一個生殖器官而已。
weston 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Etornado' 的評論 : 不妨把她的角色換成男孩. 他在醫生的不斷撫摸後射了. 但這不改變性侵的實質.
Etornado 回複 悄悄話 翻譯一下:她意思是在她20出頭的年紀,她去做第一次陰道檢查時意外被醫生用手指搞出一次性高潮,她描寫得很細致,說全身還激動得抽搐了幾下,後來醫生過來吻了她幾下。

快樂退休 回複 悄悄話 頂!!!