weston2016-07-31 16:37:05回複悄悄話
回複 'waterfowl' 的評論 : Here is a list of some of the well known burning cases:
waterfowl2016-07-31 15:13:01回複悄悄話
回複 'weston' 的評論 : My parents told me that our home was the target of "抄家",and my grandfather's collection of paintings and scrolls were confiscated and never seen again. Some of the art work supposedly dated back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. All we got in return were a bunch of "大字報" plastered outside our house denouncing our family. Ah....good times!
weston2016-07-31 13:27:32回複悄悄話
回複 'waterfowl' 的評論 : Unfortunately it was too common during the crazed time period under Mao's rule. The level of cruelty committed by ordinary Chinese folks defies all sensibilities.
waterfowl2016-07-30 03:09:38回複悄悄話
My great uncle was subjected to this kind of humiliation - kneeling on the street, with a placard around his neck and a cone hat on his head - while a bunch of illiterate punk ass Red Guards physically and verbally abused him. He gave up the ghost within days.