weston (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲--by Oistrakh, Heifetz, Perlman

(2007-01-18 15:54:52) 下一個

Some fantastic violin playing here:

1. David Oistrakh, complete concerto:  [ZT] 由於前蘇聯的政治原因 Oistrakh 直到年過四十,才開始國際演奏生涯。在20世紀50年代,當他出現在西方音樂舞台上的時候,異常轟動。在他生命的最後20年,他被看成是少數幾位當之無愧的藝術家,受人愛戴與尊敬。這張轉集會幫助您印證這種感受。強壯的身體與如同摔跤手的肩膀,使奧伊斯特拉赫在他的樂器上拉出了巨大的音量,傳遞出與眾不同的音質、呼吸、深度以及音色;他的演出同樣洋溢著熱情與博愛。.奧伊斯特拉赫的演奏,以渾厚、溫暖的抒情性著稱,他的分句極有特色.

2. Jascha Heifetz, only part of the 1st mvmt, except from the movie "Carnegie Hall", conducted by Fritz Reiner.

3. Itzhak Perlman (1970, complete concerto), PPO conducted by Eugene Ormandy.


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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
rbrb 回複 悄悄話 長期以來,我遊走於海、奧之間,一會兒覺得海好,一會兒覺得奧高。雖說風格不同,其實認真起來海、奧之間還是能分高下的。奧的演奏,氣勢磅礴,雷霆萬鈞,但細細想來,這卻是用速度低(較海而言)換來的。器樂演奏,速度一放慢,你便可以“做”起來,“做”感情,“做”氣勢,等等。差一點的演奏家,你一眼就看出他在“做”。大師的妙處在於做了你沒察覺。能夠又快又做又看不出,這才是武功超一流水平。

weston 回複 悄悄話 The modification was required by the producer so he could fit the 1st mvmt in the movie.

As for performance, heifetz had a different interpretation from Oistrakh's, there was more a "masculine" quality to it, as shown by higher bow speed and pressure, that gave his interpretation more an external reach.

Oistrakh's reading was more conservative, but his inner power shown through. It was masterful.

Perlman produced great smooth and round sound, although the whole performance didn't break any ground.

Thanks for stopping by!
簫笛 回複 悄悄話 這裏數海菲茨的差勁!第一樂章結尾處讓他改得沒型了,可以說爛!帕爾曼有大衛的遺風,但比他更細膩,非常好!