美國醫藥連鎖店 CVS 並購 對抗沃爾碼特 WalMart
(2006-11-03 08:16:32)
CVS的 $21.2 billion in stock 的並購計劃 引發華爾街紅臉
Investors and analysts were not pleased when drugstore operator CVS announced that it's buying pharmacy benefits manager Caremark, even if it could mean lower prices for customers with bargaining power to rival Wal-Mart Stores Inc
沃爾碼特的醫藥低價位在不久宣布之後已經全國範圍內開始實行 CVS scamble to 應對來自低價位風潮 這股低價位風潮從二十世紀八十年代初開始吹起