2016 (368)
2017 (123)
2018 (89)
2020 (269)
I need to go to bed now. I may come back to talk to you later. But could you please do me a favor? Could you please keep writing in Chinese? Your English is horrid. It took me several rouds of rereading to realize that you do not write English but translate your Chinese literally and mechanically word by word into English. That is what peole call Chinglish. Please save all of us from wasting our time by writing Chinese? I am sure others would agree, too. I can read Chinese perfect. I assure you. Thank you!
You must ask why then I write in English. It is out of necessity. I use both languages with native fluency. But I have difficulty typing Chinese. I use Pin Yin without a problem. But the software keeps giving me wrong words with the same pronouciations as the right ones in a long sentence. Maybe I am using a rubbish piece of Chinese software. But that is the problem. Most people here can read English without a hitch, can't they?
"in this country our cowboy..." This country you are talking about is the United frigging States of America under the US Constitution with the Second Amendment no less. The cowboys are Americans! Is Hongkong part of frigging America? Well, there would not have been a problem in the first place had that been true, would there? China is not America, Hongkong is NOT part of America. There is no Constitution, no just law, no democracy and no due process in China an Hongkong. The US has all the above. That is the fundamental distinction. What are you talking about? What are you smoking? I told you you were confused and befuddled. You are.
"I was a board member of a cooperation here and I was educated that do my work to change" That is exactly what 一劍飄塵 and I have been laboring to tell you and what you seem to refuse or too blind to see. You are in a country or a coperation that allows you a seat at the board and a due process to institute and change the law. Hongkong is now part of the country that refuses to allow exactly that.
In the latter country, much as in the Nazi Thrid Reich, however many cowboys there are and however much a cowboy you are, they will elliminate you with a bullet to your head or sending you to gulags.
How much more can we do to help you untwist yourself?
Do you think we should smash a building if the law of smoking indoor in US is illegal? What I mean is that do whatever you could to change the system even very small, not think if the system is not fare and you are free to do whatever. I was a board member of a cooperation here and I was educated that do my work to change, not by destroy to change even the most think the system is not right.
What does searching for data and reference have to do with 一劍飄塵's rebuttal of your arguments? Are you talking about the 50:50 polarization you are quoting? The numbers all depend on the definition and the data one uses and prone to manipulation. You can get completely different numbers for these kind of vague concepts. He has refuted the basic premises of all your arguments.
Why don't you respond to his rebuttal point by point, besides the vague 50:50 polarity ratio?
I am not sure how what you have just said relates to what I am saying. You originally advocated abiding any law no matter who instituted it and how it is instituted, and equating laws instituted through a democratic process and the ones dictated by a few. I pointed out these are substantially different. What you are saying now has nothing to do with any of these.
By the way, what Kennedy said was wrong. But that is a topic for another day. Even there, you are again confusing two very distinct entities. Would Kennedy have said the same if that country is not one prescribed by a Constitution and has a government that is democratic but a dictatorial like the Nazi Thrid Reich? This country is not that country. Having lived in the most democratic and most free country for 30 years, you still do not know the distinction?
Yes, you are right. I am a libertarian. Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard are my spiritual fellows. It is rare a Chinese would read enough to recognize any of these names. Glad that you do.
"不過很難具備可行性". I knew you were going to say that. Aren't you being contradictory and 葉公好龍? On the one hand, you claim you want to reform American democracy a task 很難具備可行性 by definition. On the other hand, when confronted with any detailed proposal, you reflexively declare the task impossible inoperable. This perfect exemplifies 葉公好龍. Don't you agree?
"按照我們在美國生活了30多年的體會,如果是法律規定了,不管在你心裏是對還是錯,不遵守就是違法,可以把你關起來,也可以直接射殺。" I do not know whether you are truly ignorant or pretend to be. Have you never considered the question whether the law is freely voted by the citizen into place or dictated by a dictator? Will you happily hand over your hard earned assets and walk into gheto or even the gas chamber had you been a jew in Nazi Germany, simply because the law of the Third Reich had stipulated the Jews ought to be stripped of their assets and corralled into a jewish ghetto and even exterminated wholesale?
My God, you have lived in the US for some 30 years and you still have not gained an iota of a capacity for critical thinking and just do whatever you are told to? Wow is all I can say.
As for Bill Clinton, he is the very instigator and abetor of the evil taking root in Beijing, by writing a blank check and ramming through China's WTO membership without any collateral, safeguard and supervision mecahnism in place. How could he possibly be your ideal candidate for presidency? And you say that with a 20/20 hindsight?
So you do not really have any idea how to reform American democracy. I, on the other hand, do have some ideas.
1) Either use a flat tax rate or weigh the votes to the proportion of the tax one pays with respect to the whole population. This matches exactly 一劍飄塵's proposal.
2) Deprecate the legal concept of corporations. There are only flesh and blood individuals in the eye of the law. There should be no virtual entity of a corporation bearing legal responsibility.
3) Disband all executive branch agencies except those of defense, justice, and IRS. Strip governments, be they federal or state or local, of the power interfering in the economy, granting monopolistic power and tax breaks to any entities.
How would you suggest reforming American democracy? I am really curious.
The fact that Clinton (which one, Hillary or Bill?) or Bloomberg is your ideal president does not bode well for your reform suggestion.
都是貿易, 不是免費的, 貿易就意味著雙方都受益, 不含糊吧? 原鄉人
有些東西是逼出來的, 香港人由和平逼到變成勇武, 要反對極權, 要反對整個體製, 就要使用武力去打倒體製