2016 (368)
2017 (123)
2018 (89)
2020 (269)
100年前,爭取女權,是勇士。50年 前反性別歧視,是正義。今天還他媽meToo的,不是變態就是變性了!看起來性侵女性的是男人,實際上是權勢!無權無勢的男人,有女人會給他們足以性侵的機會嗎?
How do you define level playing field? Trade or transaction happens only when two parties have distinct needs and advantages, which by definition puts them on un-level playing field. So long as there is no invasion (involuntary violation) of private property, which includes one's own body, the transaction is voluntary, it is legitimate. You are telling the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman, etc, etc, were powerless when they proclaimed Harvey Weinstein God and thanked him profusely on Oscar stage and everywhere else? They were stars, even if some of them were not mega stars before, already. You are telling me just because they had not yet obtained one more award, and needed to kiss up to Harvey Weinstein, they are powerless? Then you are always powerless when you desire is endless. The actresses are just shamelessly promoting themselves by whatever means possible. They are only using the tale of victimhood to garner people's sympathy to advance their careers. When the transaction with Harvey is advantageous, they use Harvey. When it is profitable to play the political game of victimhood, they are act the part perfectly. After all, they are actresses, professionals of emotional manipulation. Don't be so naive.
nightrider 發表評論於 2019-03-09 12:27:39
Could not have said better. The best example is the affair with Harvey Weinstein. All those female "victims" had all the power to walk away....