Kevin Yuan
April 22, 2010
Period 5,6/7
Poem BeingsPoems are little children that slowly growGrow tall and wide or short and skinnyThey can be serious and teach us things we don’t knowOr joke around like the poets just kiddingThey can be strong with wordsOr weak with picturesThey can sing like birdsOr have complicated figuresThey can stand up proudOr droop down sadThey can shout very loudOr make you madThey reach out to you with very long armsAnd make you chant their rhymes that sound like charmsAnd when you believe in them and their moralYou will see just like humans they aren’t that normalThe soul inside will shine very brightAnd you will find a poem delight嗯,還挺順口的,讓他爸爸看了,也連連誇獎他,平時淘氣包一個,還能寫出這樣的詩歌來。不過,以前還寫過兩首詩,爸爸說蠻不錯的,可惜丟掉了。
今天放學回來,問他的詩歌作業交給老師後,老師是否喜歡? 他說,老師讀過他寫的英文詩後,居然感動得落淚,還給了他一個大大的擁抱,弄得他都不好意思了。今天老師給了他100分!
(By lunamia 2010/4/23 USA)