生死不離 We will never be apart
作詞:王平久 作曲:舒楠
生死不離, In life and in death, we will never be apart
你的夢落在哪裏. (I wonder) Where have your dreams gone?
想著生活繼續 Longing to live on
天空失去了美麗 The sky may have fallen, (The beautiful sky is gone)
你卻等待夢在明天站起 But you dream to rise up high tomorrow
你的呼喊刻在我的血液裏 Your cry is carved deeply in my blood.
生死不離, In life and in death, we will never be apart
我數秒等你的消息 Every second, I long to know where you are
相信生命不息 Believing in life will go on
與你祈禱一起呼吸 I pray with you, we breathe together
我看不到你,卻牽掛在心裏 I can’t see you; but you are in my deep prayers
你的目光是我全部的意義 The look in your eyes means everything to me
無論你在哪裏,我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find
血脈能創造奇跡 Because of our strong bonding, miracles can happen
生命是命題 Life is what everything is all about
無論你在哪裏,我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find
手拉著手 生死不離 Hands holding together, in life and in death, we will never be apart
生死不離, In life and in death, we will never be apart
全世界都被沉寂 The whole world is still
痛苦也不哭泣 Holding back your tears, despite your broken hearts
愛是你的傳奇 Love is your legend
彩虹在風雨後堅強升起 Rainbows will always rise through the storms
我的努力感到愛的力氣 I feel the power of love rising in me
無論你在哪裏 我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find
血脈能創造奇跡 Because of our strong bonding, miracles can happen
大山毅然舉起 Mountains can been lifted
無論你在哪裏 我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find
天裂了去縫起 Cracks in the sky can even be sewed together
你一絲希望是我全部的動力! The glimpse of hope you are holding gives me strength
搭起我的手築成你回家的路基! For my hands to pave your way back to home
無論你在哪裏 我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find
血脈能創造奇跡 Because of our strong bonding, miracles can happen
生命是命題 Life is what everything is all about
無論你在哪裏我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find you
血脈能創造奇跡 Because of our strong bonding, miracles can happen
大山毅然舉起 Mountains can been lifted
無論你在哪裏我都要找到你 Wherever you are (No matter where you are), I know I will find you
天裂了去縫起 Cracks in the sky can even be sewed together.
手拉著手 生死不離 Hands holding together, in life and in death, we will never be apart
《生死不離》 (感謝CD錄音& Translation)