
隨遇而安 順其自然


(2007-06-16 12:16:28) 下一個

夢想成真 -- 從一個醜小鴨終於成為美聲歌星!!!

保爾·泊茨(Paul Potts)是一個非常普通的害羞內向的36歲的英國人,他的牙齒參差不齊,麵部也胖嘟嘟的, 沒有生動的輪廓,平時的全職工作是手機推銷員(Carphone Warehouse Salesman),但是他酷愛唱歌,當他出現在英國的才藝大賽(Britains Got Talent), 相當於美國的偶像大賽(American Idol)時,他說他將唱歌劇選曲。大家都持懷疑態度,評委也表情平平。這位貌不驚人的歌手不鳴則已,卻一鳴驚人,一聲“今夜無人入睡”聲震大廳,竟然發出類似於帕瓦羅蒂一樣的漂亮聲音!Amazing Voice!  再看看評委們的臉上表情由驚訝到感動得落淚,就連最挑剔的評委Simon Cowell, 也為這個普普通通的人身上所蘊藏的藝術天賦而感到驚喜。全場沸騰了!掌聲如潮,喝彩聲如雷,多少人為之興奮,多少人為之感動!一顆美聲新星就這樣在英國誕生了!經過了海選,初賽,半決賽和決賽,他贏得了觀眾的心以及全英國200000投票數一舉奪魁!獲得了十萬英磅獎金以及唱片公司合同,所有媒體連續一周的采訪報道,以及給英國女王和皇室表演的機會! Paul Potts從此美夢成真,一夜出名!

我也深深地被感動了,含著淚水反複看了幾遍,每一次都感到心靈深處的震撼!對於一位業餘歌手,能唱到這水平實屬不易,我自己也在學美聲,也懷有像保爾·泊茨一樣的夢想,所以我深知保爾·泊茨在歌唱的學習上,在尋夢之旅上傾注了多少心血和努力, 投入了多少資金!他投資學聲樂,還自費去意大利去上大師課。。。他說他最大的困難就是向自己的恐懼心理,自卑感挑戰,  "Believing in yourself"應該是成功者的信念。比賽這天,Paul終於自信地站在了世人麵前,從他身上,我看到了許多閃光的東西: 勇氣,  希望,毅力,我看到了那種永不言棄的追求所帶來的成功! 所謂“一分耕耘,一分收獲”, 這個錄像又一次給我激勵和鼓舞。在藝術追求上永遠沒有頂峰,藝無止境, 機會的大門永遠是為那些有充分準備的人敞開的,所以,我們應該更加勤奮!在Youtube上可以看到許多留言,大家欣賞他的聲音,欣賞他的演唱, 更重要的是為他的精神與毅力所感動! Paul在英國是一顆耀眼的新星,他的歌聲連同他的精神正在傳播到全世界, 為更多的人樹立了一個榜樣,有追求有夢想的人永遠是值得敬佩的,人不可貌相,有一天“醜小鴨”也會變成“天鵝”的!

Paul Potts: http://www.myspace.com/paul_potts

請欣賞Paul Potts在英國才藝比賽(Britains Got Talent)初賽時的實況, Paul Potts演唱普契尼的歌劇詠歎調"今夜無人入睡"(Nessun Dorma):


《今夜無人入睡 Nessun Dorma》
選自歌劇[圖蘭多], 卡拉夫王子的詠歎調:

Nessun dorma, nessun dorma ...
Tu pure, o Principessa,
Nella tua fredda stanza,
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d'amore
E di speranza.

Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprà, no, no,
Sulla tua bocca lo dirò
Quando la luce splenderà,
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio
Che ti fa mia.

Dilegua, o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba vincerò!




Paul Potts在Britains Got Talent半決賽上演唱世界名曲“告別時刻”
(Time To Say Goodbye)--"Con te partirò":


《告別時刻》(Time To Say Goodbye -- "Con te partirò")


孤獨時候魂縈夢牽地平線 我內心激動無言
呆在房裏沒有燈光 沒有陽光 眼前茫然一片
當沒有你陪伴在我身邊 從每扇窗戶 我把心懷啊敞開在你的麵前
是你帶來光 在那路旁 照亮荒蕪的心田

此刻 說再見 有誰知 路途多遠 那地方我從來未見過 也從未體驗
來告別 說再見 我願和你一起登上航船 去幻夢中茫茫海洋 飄渺的海岸

離別時刻魂縈夢牽地平線 我內心激動無言
多麽盼望能夠和你常見麵 你是月亮常和我做伴 你是太陽常在我身邊
身邊 身邊 身邊

Quando sono solo
sogno all orizzonte
e mancan le parole,
si lo so che non c'e luce
in una stanza quando manca il sole,
se non ci sei tu con me, con me
Su le finestre
mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai acceso
chiudi dentro me
laa luce che
hai incontrato per strada
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te
adesso si vivro
Con te partiro
su navi per mari
che, io o so
no, no, non esistono piu
Its time to say goodbye

Quando sei lontana
sogno all orizzonte
e mancan le parole
e io si lo so
he sei con me, con me
tu mia luna tu sei qui con me
mio sole tu sei qui con me
con me, con me, con me
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te
adesso si li vivro
Con te partiro
su navi per mari
che io lo so
no, no, non esistono piu
con te io li rivivro

Con te partiro
su navi per mari
che io lo so
no no non esistono piu
con te io li rivivro
con te partiro ... lo con te

決賽實況Final Competition -- Paul Potts 《今夜無人入睡 Nessun Dorma》

Grand Final - The Winner

It was as if the tension would never end. But finally, eventually, painfully... Dec announced Paul Potts as the winner of Britain's Got Talent.

It was a moment where futures were made and dreams were dashed. But even though every one of the performers here has an outstanding talent, only one could scoop the big prize tonight.

Two million votes were cast by the British public. For the big winner, Welshman Paul Potts, tonight starts a week of newspaper interviews, magazine features and TV appearances. Life won't be quite the same ever again.

As Ant and Dec congratulated the singer - or was that held him up? - he told them, "I can't believe I've won it, I'm like jelly. Performing for The Queen means absolutely everything. Thank you for believing in me".

The man Simon Cowell described as "a shy and humble guy with a great talent" will now "be in the recording studio next week making his first album".

As well as the £100,000 prize cheque, the Britain's Got Talent winner will perform at the Royal Variety Performance, by invitation of Her Majesty The Queen.

The Royal Variety Performance will be shown on ITV1 on December 3rd 2007. We'll see Paul, our very deserving winner, taking his coveted place in the spotlight then.

For the opera singer, and indeed for all of the finalists on stage tonight - have proved it - Britain's Got Talent. It may be kept hidden, it might be a secret. But it's out there.

Paul can sing. What can you do? 

希望與網友們分享Paul Potts的故事,也希望聽到你的感想。。。謝謝!
(By Lunamia)
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