
Dill,dillby——繖形花科——小茴香的一種 (圖)

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Scientific classification科學分類 Plantae植物界

Dried Dill-umbel曬幹蒔蘿-umbel Dill ( Anethum graveolens ) is a short-lived annual herb , native to southwest and central Asia .蘿(anethumgraveolens)是一個短命的藥草年度本土西南和中亞. It is the sole species of the genus Anethum , though classified by some botanists in the related genus Peucedanum as Peucedanum graveolens (L.) C.B.Clarke.它是唯一種記述anethum,雖然按某些前胡屬植物的相關作為前胡graveolens(l.)藏藥.

It grows to 40-60 cm tall, with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves 10-20 cm long.漸長至40-60厘米高,莖細長、候補、微細,小聲微妙葉長10-20厘米. The ultimate leaf divisions are 1-2 mm broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of Fennel , which are threadlike, less than 1 mm broad, but harder in texture.最終葉廣告是1-2毫米,寬過類似葉片略有茴香、其中絲狀,不到1毫米寬,而且比較堅硬. The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbels 2-9 cm diameter.白色的花是黃色,在小傘形厘米直徑2月9日. The seeds are 4-5 mm long and 1 mm thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface.種子是四月五日厘米長1毫米厚,具有縱向貫通稍微彎曲脊表麵.

[ edit ] Cultivation and uses種植和利用
Dill has long been cultivated as a herb throughout Europe and north Africa as well as in its native Asia.蒔蘿早已藥草栽培作為整個歐洲和北非以及亞洲其本土. It was used by Egyptian doctors 5000 years ago and traces have been found in Roman ruins in Great Britain .有人用5000年前的埃及醫生已經發現古羅馬遺跡、遺址大不列顛. In the Middle Ages it was thought to protect against witchcraft.在中世紀,原本以為防巫術.

In Semitic languages it is known by the name of Shubit .在猶太人的語言,這已是眾所周知的名字shubit. The Talmud requires that tithes shall be paid on the seeds, leaves, and stem of dill.猶太法典的規定,應繳納的稱號種子、葉、莖、播種機. The Bible states that the Pharisees were in the habit of paying this tithe (Matthew 23:23) ; Jesus Christ is said to have rebuked them for tithing dill but omitting mercy.聖經說pharisees人繳納本仂習慣(馬太23時23分);耶穌基督據說已斥他們奉獻蘿但漏報手軟.

The name dill is thought to have originated from a Norse or Anglo-Saxon word 'dylle' meaning to soothe or lull, the plant having the carminative property of relieving gas.蒔蘿船底名稱源自一種諾斯或盎格魯撒克遜詞'dylle'涵義安撫或麻痹、該廠擁有財產渲泄carminative氣.

Like caraway , its fernlike leaves are aromatic, and are used to flavour many foods , such as gravlax (pickled salmon ), borscht and other soups and pickles .喜歡雪菜,其葉子fernlike芳香,用來許多風味食品,如gravlax(醃製鮭魚),及其他borscht湯泡菜. The seeds are also used to flavour pickles.種子也是用來風味泡菜. Dill are best when used fresh, as they lose their flavour rapidly if dried; however, freeze-dried dill leaves preserve their flavour relatively well for a few months.播種時最好用新鮮,因為它們失去色彩如果迅速曬幹;不過,凍幹蘿葉保存了幾個月風味頗佳. Even so, it is better to grow a supply of plants rather than store the leaves.即便如此,更增加了它的供應廠而非貯存樹葉.

Dill oil can be extracted from the leaves, stems and seeds of the plant.蒔蘿油可提取葉、莖和種子植物.

Successful cultivation requires warm to hot summers with high sunshine levels; even partial shade will reduce the yield substantially.炎熱的夏天到溫暖的培育成功,需要高層次的陽光;即使局部遮蔭的產量將大幅減少. It also prefers rich, well drained soil.它還喜歡豐富,排水良好的土壤. The seeds are viable for 3-10 years.種子是可行3-10年. Plants intended for seed for further planting should not be grown near fennel, as the two species can hybridise .擬植物種子播種,不應再增加近茴香,作為兩個物種可以hybridise.

The seed is harvested by cutting the flower heads off the stalks when the seed is beginning to ripen.種子收割起死回生花卉後仰的秸稈當種子開始成熟. The seed heads are placed upside down in a paper bag and left in a warm dry place for a week.種子倒在校長放在紙袋溫暖幹燥的地方,留下了一個星期. The seeds then separate from the stems easily for storage in an airtight container.種子然後分開存放在一個容易產生密閉容器.

In some English speaking countries, it is sometimes called Dillby.在一些英語國家,因此有時稱為.

[ edit ] Ethnomedical Uses[編輯]ethnomedical用途
The fruit and aerial parts are used to treat dyspepsia (stomach dysfunction), to enhance digestion, to treat upper respiratory tract infections, and GI tract infections.水果及地上部分是用來治療消化不良(胃腸功能),提高消化、治療上呼吸道感染、胃腸道感染.

[ edit ] Dill in pop culture[編輯]流行文化蒔蘿
In Beavis and Butt-Head 'Dillweed' is used as a common insult.

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