

Proverbs and the Instruction of Amenemope

(2006-12-13 11:17:33) 下一個

Proverbs and the Instruction of Amenemope

Direct your ear and hear wise words. Set your heart to know them. For it is pleasant if you keep them in your inmost self. (22:17-18a)Give your ears and hear what is said, give your mind over to their interpretation: It is profitable to put them in your heart. (3,10)
Have I not written for you thirty counsels and teachings to teach you what is right and true? (22:20)Mark for your self these thirty chapters: They please, they instruct, they are the foremost of all books. (27,7)
Do not make friends with people prone to anger. With the hotheaded person do not associate. (22:24)Do not fraternize with the hot-tempered man, nor approach him to converse. (11,12)
When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe what is before you. Put a knife to your throat if you have a big appetite. (23:1-2)Look at the cup in front of you, and let it suffice your need. (23,16)
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