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Divisions under the covenant of grace
God works covenantally. A covenant is a pact or agreement between two or more parties. The chart below helps you to see some of the major covenants made between God and man.
Some Divisions Under the Covenant of Grace | ||||||
PARTIES INVOLVED | God and Adam; therefore all Mankind | God and Noah (his descendants and all living creatures) | God and Abraham | God and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai | God and David | God and the Elect |
THE | Eternal Life based on keeping God’s word. | To not destroy the world again with a flood (Gen. 9:8-18) | Land and descendants to Abraham (Gen. 15:8-18; 17:1-14) | Continued Fellowship with God (Exodus 34:27-28; 19:5; 24:4-8) | His descendants would have an everlasting kingdom Psalm 89:3) | Law written on their hearts. We will be God's people. |
THE CONDITION | Perfect Obedience | No Condition | Circumcision | Perfect Obedience | No Condition | Faith in Jesus |
SIGN AND SEAL | The Tree | A Rainbow | Circumcision | A sacrifice and sprinkling of blood (Exodus 24:4-8) | None because it was to be fulfilled in Jesus’ sacrifice. | The Blood of Christ (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) |
MEDIATOR | No Mediator |
| The Messiah | Jesus Christ |