


Interesting Quotes from Christadelphianism

(2006-11-28 20:45:06) 下一個

Interesting Quotes from Christadelphianism

(Unless marked, all quotes are from the Christadelphian book,
The Christadelphians:  What They Believe and Preach
, by Harry Tennant, The Christadelphian, 404 Shaftmoor Lane, Birmingham B28 8SZ, England, 1986.)

"It will surprise some readers to know that nowhere in Scripture are the words "immortal" and "soul" brought together. Immortality is God's own inherent nature, and His alone" (page. 17).

"The second secret of the cross is that it is the source of the forgiveness of sins. It is not a debt settled by due payment. It is not a substitutionary offering whereby someone is paid a price so that others might then go free" (page 71).

"The Bible approach is much simpler and much more satisfying. Forgiveness comes to the man who believes the Gospel, repents, and is baptized in the name of Christ" (page 71).

"The wondrous benefits from the saving work of Jesus flow to us and are effective for us when we come in faith, repentant, and join Jesus in his death by baptism into his name" (page 72).

"Therefore, we conclude that it is not only that Jesus was called a sinner at his trial by his enemies or that he was "numbered with the transgressors" when he was crucified between two thieves, but more particularly that he shared the very nature which had made a sinner out of every other man who had borne it" (page 74).

"There is no hint in the Old Testament that the Son of God was already existent or in any way active at that time" (page 85).

"Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was first promised, and came into being only when he was born of the virgin Mary" (page 86).

"We ask the question: When was Jesus 'in the form of God'? Christadelphians believe that Jesus was in the form of God by his birth through begettal by the Father, by speaking the words of God and doing His works" (page 87).

"Jesus worships God: God worships no one" (page 88).

"The Spirit is not a 'separate' or 'other' person. It is God's own radiant power, ever out flowing from Him, by which His 'everywhereness' is achieved. The Spirit is personal in that it is of God Himself: it is not personal in the sense of being some other person within the Godhead" (page 115).

"A believing, repentant person receives forgiveness of sins by being baptized" (pages 207-8).

"True baptism removes past sins" (page 208).

"Therefore the wonderful work of baptism is essential to salvation" (page 210).

"Salvation is not a one-for-all, irreversible happening" (page 212).

"He [Jesus] saved himself in order to save us." (Christadelphian Answers, Compiled by Frank G. Jannaway. A reproduction of an original edition by, The Herald Press, 4011 Bolivia, Houston, Texas, 77092, 1920. page 24)

"And it was for that very reason -- being a member of a sinful race -- that the Lord Jesus himself needed salvation." (Answers, p. 24)

"The terms Satan and Devil are simply expressive of "sin in the flesh" in individual, social, and political manifestations." (Answer, p. 100)

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