What Mormonism teaches:
(2006-11-27 22:08:31)
Mormonism teaches:
- God used to be a man on another planet and Mormon members
may become gods of their own worlds.1
- There are many gods.2
- The Trinity is three separate Gods.3
- Entrance into celestial heaven is by the consent of God and the
Mormon prophet Joseph Smith.4
- God has a body of flesh and bones.5
- God is married and produces spirit babies by having physical
relations with his goddess wife.6
- Jesus, Satan, and all of us are spirit brothers and sisters
procreated in a pre-existent spirit life.7
- God had relations with Mary to make Jesus?body.8
- You must shed your own blood for the forgiveness of some sins.9
- Good works are necessary for the forgiveness of sins.10
Be careful. Rarely will they mention these 'higher' doctrines. Therefore, you really don't know what they are teaching until long after you have joined. Be warned.