

When you enjoy the flowers of May

(2007-05-12 17:26:00) 下一個

When you enjoy the flowers of May


Flowers in May are lovely. They symbolize ‘Love’, ‘Prosperity’. In this mother’s day, they are more likely symbolizing ‘Children’.


‘Yes’! Children are the flowers of the world! Children are the future of the world!


When you enjoy the flowers of May, you might understand that every flower needs sunshine, rain and dew. Every flower needs nutrition and water. However, in this world, not every flower get enough what he/she needs. And almost the same, in this world, not every child get what he/she needs. Especially in the third world countries, the differences between child who lives in major cities and child who lives in rural countryside far away from capital city are very large. Many children who live in rural countryside in the third world cannot get qualified health care, qualified educations, and even cannot get enough qualified food.


When you enjoy the flowers of May, you might be preparing you vacation to travel over the world. You might have a chance to visit some third world countries. I hope you can spend one day, or one week, or one month, to visit some children who live in faraway rural countryside; understand their living conditions, teach them some English, French, Chinese, or give a lecture on music. I hope you can write down one piece of article, or one piece of music, let the world known those children’s needs, those children’s desires. 


When you enjoy the flowers of May, you might want to contribute what you can offer to those flowers who need ‘rain and dew’. Books, Medicines, or other necessary staffs are all very important to those children who live in the faraway rural countryside in the third world countries. Red Cross Organization might be the best place you can send your supports to since Red Cross is political independent.


Every child in this world should have the equal right to get his/her qualified education, qualified medicines and qualified love.

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